Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 'Many faces of Shakespeare' here April 5 Tom Johnson's troupe will perform.
2 Controversial voting decides winners of top SLB offices Graduating women allowed to cast ballots; Dan Jorgensen defeats Wes Barnett, 1084-1065.
3 Life of diverse Gregg Smith singers: night club, folk group appearances A look at the work of the singers.
4 Untitled Snowman built by Delta Delta Phi pledges.
5 Untitled Students walk across a snow-covered campus.
6 Vacation begins today: classes resume April 5
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# Article Article Summary
7 Extra roommate causes problems
Student voices concern about how dorm administration will react to a mouse in his room.
8 Final decision fair but wrong Voting procedure could have been handled better, but final decision was made fairly.
9 Fox: new unrest includes constructive demonstrations
Fox--Josef W. (Philosophy and Humanities Faculty)
Fox applauds student groups across America for their awareness of national issues.
10 Responsibility for mind changing should not be Nagle's alone Organizations Committee should have dealt with irregularities in voting.
11 Students' election interest encouraging
Nagle--David R. (Class of 1965; Member of Congress; Political Science Faculty)
Fight over SLB control shows more interest than in past ten years.
12 Untitled Mocks placement of buildings on campus by suggesting a men's dorm be built on the moon.
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# Article Article Summary
13 Applications for Guidance School due Thursday May enroll in summer institute.
14 Art exhibit by Finegan April 5 Professor Finegan will display work.
15 Knutson to attend summer school conference Will attend regional meeting.
16 Met Opera to perform in Minnesota SCI group may attend.
17 No interviews next week
18 Students must file to graduate
19 Works program rejected in parliamentary debate Results of debate.
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# Article Article Summary
20 A Snowman with a shape: nude Venus of art class
Marker--Jean (Student--1964)
Snow sculpture stands in front of A. & I Building; photo.
21 Spring brings new editor, new sports, more snow
Nolan--John Charles (J.C.) (Student--1965)
J. C. Nolan introduces himself, shares focus of his Panther Tracks columns.
22 Spring football drills open, several answers sought Backfield players are unknown; coach will select them during spring drills.
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# Article Article Summary
23 Panthers trounce Grinnell; move to NCC tomorrow Win 101-21; are prepared to travel to Mankato State; photo.
24 Weather, Coe first foes for diamondmen Doubleheader against Coe College on April 10 will open season.
25 WRA offers co-rec play night April 9 All SCI students are invited to join in volleyball, trampoline, swimming, and recreational games; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
26 15 SCI musicians to play in Mid-American Band List of those who will play.
27 Admissions to be 'College - Close up' discussion topic Dean Lang and Jack Wielenga will discuss topic.
28 Alpha Upsilon pledges four List of new Sigma Alpha Iota pledges.
29 Art display open Monday in Union Work by John Page's class on display.
30 Floor two of administration now occupied by offices More offices move into the new Administration Building.
31 Results of the Pizza Eating Contest Dick Fisher took first and Keith Huseman took second; photo.
32 Students asked to note receipts for Old Gold