Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 'Four Faces of Southeast Asia' shows Nov. 9 Film-lecture series begins.
2 Down-and-outers receive college help: SCI'an joins Chicago Slum Cadre Richard Mark assists in Chicago Ecumenical Institute project; photo.
3 Exhibits from Schaefer Gallery open Tuesday
4 Faculty presents Maucker with new Union site petition Cite alternative locations; do not want beautiful green space to be covered with concrete.
5 SCI Theatre, 'The Firebugs,' perform November 3, 4, 5, 6 Preview of the play.
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# Article Article Summary
6 Board of Control decision opens door for 3000 additional yearbook photos
Insists that since Greeks were allowed their own individual pages, the Board of Control should expect everyone else to want their own pages as well.
7 Faculty petition justified, should bring student action Agrees with petition that is aimed to save the few nature areas that are left on campus.
8 Kultur: Does Union controversy show rationality
Behrens--Roy Richard (Class of 1968; Art Faculty)
Discusses the differences in atmosphere from being back home and being on campus.
9 Obiter Scripta: 'Great conversation' needed to consider campus planning
Fox--Josef W. (Philosophy and Humanities Faculty)
Claims that campus planning is too important of a matter to leave solely to the campus planners.
10 Untitled
Two artists comment that another artist, dressed in a suit, makes them look bad.
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# Article Article Summary
11 1965-66 directories available
12 AWS sets up system of tutoring Will use group and individual tutoring.
13 Dr. Charles Allegre talks at Decorah High School Part of visiting scientist program.
14 Dr. Plaehn will speak in Commons Will speak about United Nations.
15 Mr. Parker will read Catallus Professor Parker comments on his upcoming reading.
16 New class on computer use begins Tuesday Professor Blanford will talk about business applications.
17 SCI graduate Etten starts Tunisia Peace Corps work Gertrude Etten completes training; will teach English in Tunisia.
18 Seven give pledges for Pi Omega Pi List of pledges.
19 Third doctor may be added to health staff Cites heavy use of Health Services.
20 Ticket sales start for 'La Boheme'
21 Trip to KRNT next Tuesday AWS will sponsor trip to see play in Des Moines.
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# Article Article Summary
22 Benefits small, hardships many, but cross country runners keep at it
Gallagher--Rock (Student--1965)
Reflects on why anyone would want to run four miles.
23 Harriers outdistance Takle, unbeaten Norsemen, 27-28 SCI upset the previously undefeated Luther team, 27-28; Ron Bousman defeated five Luther men to take the win in the mile.
24 Seven returning lettermen, four top frosh headline '65-'66 cage team Captain Craig Kneppe, seven lettermen, and four new freshmen prospects will make up this year's SCI basketball team; team roster is posted; photo.
25 TKE's take flag football championship TKE took the all-college championship in intramural football; intramural tennis season comes to a close; intramural basketball to begin.
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# Article Article Summary
26 Dr. Corwin, SCI grad, writes book Writes book on sociology of education.
27 Fall Leadership Conference in Commons today Men's Union sponsors conference for Iowa student government leaders.
28 ISEA leaders, Freeman, Blake, past SCI students Brief profiles of Roger Blake and James Freeman.
29 Meeting for Stunts-Tumbling Club Nov. 8
30 SCI Model United Nations participates in celebration Participate in Des Moines meeting.
31 Twirlers who perform 6th sign up now Looking for participants at football game program.
32 Untitled Attics are being cleaned and contents are being moved to storage areas to eliminate fire hazards.
33 Visitation team conducts study next week at SCI Will determine whether or not SCI should have a chapter of the business honorary Delta Pi Epsilon.
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# Article Article Summary
34 Excess dirt hauled to Sunset unit Will be used for parking area.
35 More passes, SDS face Panther gridders Saturday SCI will face tough South Dakota State, but are expected to take the win for third place in the conference.
36 Prospective Teachers Day this Wednesday for 1500 students Program schedule.
37 Series of four adult classes begin Tuesday Will stress creativity in areas of home economics.
38 Traffic, safety discuss existing SCI problems Discuss special parking areas for loading and for handicapped students.
39 Untitled Rich Engel turns the corner during his cross country race.
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# Article Article Summary
40 'Lollipops and Roses' is theme for Beauty Pageant Rules for the AMRH pageant.
41 College Orchestra presents concert Sunday October 31 Performance program.
42 Homecoming parade includes historic dress, fire, buggy
Allee--Carol (Student--1965)
A look at the activities; photo.
43 Student Senate backs better relationships Would establish a student library committee.
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# Article Article Summary
44 Dr. Clifton will discuss interscholastic competition Will speak on sports competition for women.
45 Maucker speaks for counselors Will speak at junior college conference.
46 Restrictions on visitors is effective Will continue policy at Health Services.