Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 'Truth--there is civil rights crisis' says Mr. Farmer Excerpts from speech by James Farmer.
2 4 majors for Dean Lang, enjoys poetry & gardening in spare time
Vaughn--Mary Sue (Student--1966)
Profile of Dean Lang; photo.
3 Cesare Valletti sings tonight in Artists Series
4 Miss Portesan will read for Poetry Hour Will read from Dante.
5 Nine week PE courses begin April 4th
6 Ross Barnett to speak on civil rights issue Profile of Ross Barnett.
7 The British are coming--educator to visit campus Stanley W. Percival will speak.
8 Two students give recital in Music Hall Vija Aperans and Robert Plaehn will perform.
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# Article Article Summary
9 Dr. Fox should feed fire with other issues
Hoff--Geraldine (Student--1966)
Claims that too many people are content to show only their emotional reactions and judgements.
10 Good shows 'bite the dust' for low-culture 'Batman'
Sinnett--Kathryn (Student--1966)
Claims that it is sad that college students do not watch the news, but instead crowd around the television to watch shows like 'Batman' and 'Peyton Place.'
11 Instructor evaluation will help students
Childers--David (Student--1966)
Comments on a statement. made by Len Froyen in a previous EYE issue, regarding students being the central concern of teachers..
12 Maps show false Jordan border
Nijim--Basheer K. (Geography Faculty)
Disputes Mr. Alvin Hall's claim about territorial expansion in Israel.
13 Perspective: Ten judgmental criteria will improve admissions system
DeKock--Walter D. (Education Faculty)
Suggests the use of the Miller Analogies Test and other examinations to screen the students attending the university.
14 Untitled
Student tells her friend that she didn't vote, but she used the campaign posters for decoration.
15 Work must be started on instructor evaluation NOW Claims that the Student Senate has spent too much time talking and not enough action has been taken to begin instructor evaluations.
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# Article Article Summary
16 Matmen third in SCI quad, Parker 177-pound champion SCI defeated by Southern Illinois and Minnesota; Panthers defeated Northwest Missouri; Don Parker took 177-pound title; photo.
17 Trackmen indoor champs, Rauhauser double winner SCI defeated Luther, Wartburg, Cornell, Dubuque, Loras, Buena Vista, and Grinnell colleges in Iowa Indoor meet; results are posted.
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# Article Article Summary
18 A & I Building hosts two art exhibits Will show fine press work and collection of Harry Guillaume.
19 Men's halls will close over break
20 SCI's Young Republican Club receives award Outstanding chapter in region.
21 Student rights will be topic at Confrontations Recent forum considered integrity.