Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 1966 Homecoming Dance tickets on sale tomorrow Homecoming Committee will turn the Commons Ballroom into a miniature town square for the Homecoming Dance.
2 Dr. Dreier President of NEA Rural Ed. Dr. William Dreier will replace Dr. Burton W. Kreitlow as the president of the National Education Association department of rural education.
3 Dr. Hastings rejoins fall SCI faculty Dr. Glen Hastings is an assistant professor of education and psychology.
4 Dr. Voldseth attends seminar Edward Voldseth will attend a Washington, D. C., conference dealing with "Terms and Definitions in Higher Education."
5 Editors fly to Philadelphia conference Bernard DeHoff, advisor for the College Eye, will attend a journalism conference while Bob Davis and John Volker, editors for the Eye and the Old Gold, will attend a conference sponsored by the Associated College Press.
6 Homecoming Previews List of activities planned to celebrate Homecoming 1966.
7 McGladrey Award given to SCIan Robert Michaelsen is the first SCI student to be awarded the I. B. McGladrey Accounting Award.
8 Peace Corps recruiters on campus this week SCI alumnus Thomas C. Peterson will return as a Peace Corps recruiter.
9 Release KTCF broadcasting schedule through Nov. 4 List of broadcast programs for KTCF.
10 Teresa Berganza and voice both beautiful--O'Briant
Review of a concert performed by singer Teresa Berganza.
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# Article Article Summary
11 Homecoming is--semantical fuzz Defines words used by administrators to influence student behavior.
12 The issue of black power
Wiesenfeld--Julius (Mathematics Faculty)
Discusses concerns people have about the idea of black power.
13 Untitled
Comments on the number of flies present in the off-campus lounge.
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# Article Article Summary
14 Disaster strikes again, Salukis spank SCI, 30-7
15 Frosh basketball practice begins Head coach Norm Stewart invites all interested freshmen and transfer students to attend the first practice.
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# Article Article Summary
16 Beard states no change in schedule policy Dr. Marshall Beard addresses student concerns dealing with class schedules.
17 Dr. Lang will speak for Teachers Day Approximately 1400 high school students will be visiting SCI for Teachers Day.
18 Special Ed. majors meet Wednesday Special education majors hope to open a SCI chapter of the Council of Exceptional Children.