Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 All-College Convocation inaugurates joint seminar Profile of Dr. Harold Taylor, speaker at the All-College Convocation planned to welcome Colombian educators to SCI.
2 Chart shows 1966-1967 budgets of SCI activities
3 Mock elections will be Monday at Crossroads Mock elections planned to increase student awareness of the voting process.
4 Open Library tomorrow, Saturdays during finals Library staff experiments with keeping the Library open late on Saturday nights.
5 Requisition is approved for duplicator Misunderstanding almost costs the Student Senate their duplicator machine.
6 SCI tops state institutions in annual enrollment rates Enrollment increase catches SCI administration off guard.
7 South American educators here in exchange seminar Colombian and American teachers will discuss the training of secondary education.
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# Article Article Summary
8 Ape art resembles abstract art
Behrens--Roy Richard (Class of 1968; Art Faculty)
Discusses reasons for why people draw and paint.
9 Disagrees with Wiesenfeld
Hoffmans--Edward C. (English Faculty)
Comments on the idea of "Black Power".
10 EYE needs larger scope Believes that the College Eye needs to do a better job of covering local and national news.
11 Untitled
Comments on the amount of trash that can be seen around campus.
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# Article Article Summary
12 Administrators minds amaze
Knapp--Terry J. (Speech Faculty)
Comments on the behavior of college students during Homecoming.
13 Fox University? Students suggest a new name for SCI once it becomes a university.
14 Homecoming labor is appreciated
Carpenter--D. J. (Student--1966)
Thanks the students who helped to decorate campus for Homecoming.
15 OSU President is SCI graduate
Hake--Herbert Victor (Broadcast Services Director)
Comments on a speech made by Dr. Robert B. Kamm, an SCI alumni.
16 Standard work unit no longer standard
Fox--Josef W. (Philosophy and Humanities Faculty)
Believes that the Faculty Senate should be in charge of keeping the workload of professors and instructors from getting too big.
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# Article Article Summary
17 Landon victory, 'E Bags' and speeders make news
Pieces of news from past issues of the College Eye.
18 Students give opinions on SCI improvements
Spieker--Maxine (Student--1966)
Students respond to the question "What changes in SCI life would you like to see?"; students would like to see buildings open more hours, more housing options, and more involvement in campus activities; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
19 Art films will be shown every Thursday
20 Kappa Theta Psi trick-or-treat for children Kappa Theta Psi will hold a Halloween party for children at Allen Memorial Hospital.
21 NAFSA Conference meets at Cedar Falls today Participants in the National Association for Foreign Student Affairs include people from North and South Dakota, Minnesota, Missouri, and Iowa.
22 Student maps are exhibited in Des Moines SCI professors Roy Chung and Donald F. Howard will speak at the Association of American Geographers meeting in Des Moines.
23 Will replace loyalty song Cheerleaders replace the SCI loyalty song with "Happy Times are Here Again."
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# Article Article Summary
24 Dr. Witham named to Hall of Fame SCI athletic director James Witham is inducted into Mankato State College Athletic Hall of Fame for his success as a basketball coach.
25 Final dual meet for SCI Harriers Panthers end the season with a meet against Iowa State.
26 Gymnastics participants wanted
27 SCI will try for 2nd place Saturday
Duffe--Ronald L. (Student--1966-1967)
Panthers must defeat South Dakota State University to move into second place.
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# Article Article Summary
28 Contest open to students giving $50,000 in awards Contest requires students to write an essay describing a plan for world peace.
29 SCI freshmen to test Norse JV's Panther freshmen play annual game against Luther.
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# Article Article Summary
30 Dr. Rapoport speaks today in Auditorium Profile of Dr. Anatol Rapoport a professor from the University of Michigan.
31 Mr. Parker will speak Will speak on the culture at SCI.
32 Show 'L-Shaped Room' tonight in Auditorium
33 Sister Madaleva will speak Monday Sister Madaleva, a teacher from Kansas City, will speak on the importance of communication.