Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 341 ballots cast for mock elections Monday Governor Harold Hughes is reelected in mock elections; vote tallies of other elections.
2 Begin advance registration for spring semester Outlines the procedures students should use for registering.
3 Hughes speaks in Seerley 120 Young Democrats sponsor a visit by Governor Harold Hughes and other Iowa Democrats.
4 Library open tomorrow Library will be open until 11:00pm on Saturdays until the end of the semester.
5 SS discussed speakers exams, laundromat Summary of items discusses at the Student Senate meeting.
6 Taylor speaks at convo on education's function Convocation marks the beginning of a visit by teachers from the Universidad Pedagogica Nacional in Colombia to SCI.
7 Ticket sales begin for Yarbrough performance Union Program Council and Eta Pizza Pi bring Glenn Yarbrough, a folksinger, to campus; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
8 Conduct regulations insufferable Believes that SCI rules and regulations should not be so restricting on the students.
9 Explains 'hiding' policy
Rod--Donald Olaf (Library Director)
Responds to a letter to the editor written by John L. Ayers that questions a library policy.
10 Eye editor ought to maintain campus focus
Fox--Josef W. (Philosophy and Humanities Faculty)
Suggests topics for SCI editorials.
11 The spiritual agents of SCI
Clink--Charles A.--Jr. (Clancy)
Advises students on how to recognize people who will try to share their religious beliefs.
12 Untitled
One way of avoiding the draft.
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# Article Article Summary
13 Julius System--A Hamlet for ducks
Behrens--Roy Richard (Class of 1968; Art Faculty)
Uses Shakespeare as way of creating a parody for life at SCI.
14 Who is Knapp?
Bock--Dianne (Class of 1965)
Questions the writings of Terry Knapp.
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# Article Article Summary
15 Begin reading improvement course Monday Course helps students to improve study skills.
16 Faculty Senate discusses 'Committee of Five' report 'Committee of Five' makes suggestions concerning class size.
17 Mediocrity on campus is Parker's speech topic Professor Henry Parker proposes a change in the freshmen orientation program.
18 Six students to debate at South Dakota Students travel to the University of South Dakota to debate U. S. foreign policy.
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# Article Article Summary
19 "The Silence" will be shown today
20 Iowa college history teachers meet here List of speakers for the Iowa College Teachers of History meeting.
21 Marine officer selection team interview here Describes requirements for students wanting to join the Marine Corps.
22 Sister Madaleva speaks on lack of communication Believes that honesty and trust are very important in communication.
23 Tryouts for "Androcles and the Lion" start
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# Article Article Summary
24 Wrestlers face tough schedule
Preview of 1966-67 SCI wrestling season.
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# Article Article Summary
25 SCI cross country to run in NCC meet Saturday Describes training method for SCI cross country team.
26 SCI to invade Coyote Country, victory-a must Panthers look forward to upcoming game against North Dakota State.
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# Article Article Summary
27 Baum presents piano recital Sunday night Performance program.
28 Home Ec Adult Class is offered Classes will be taught by senior home economics majors.
29 State Day plans are announced State Day will focus on student rights, student government, and the judicial system.