Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Final examination schedule
2 J. W. Maucker announces Saturday dismissal Classes will be dismissed early for Christmas break; photo.
3 State Board of Regents approves summer budget A look at the various terms in the summer session.
4 Time changes for employees are announced Student teachers and college employees will not be affected by the change in the Christmas break schedule.
5 Today's Eye is last issue before vacation
6 Vacation hours for offices, Library are announced
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# Article Article Summary
7 Apology to Dr. Dohrman
Hoffmans--Edward C. (English Faculty)
Claims he went over the line in last week's column; apologizes for the misunderstanding it created.
8 Faculty evaluation promises instant dope
Fox--Josef W. (Philosophy and Humanities Faculty)
Discusses the possible value of student evaluations of professors.
9 Miss Glanz refutes challengers
Glanz--Sheryl S. (Student--1966)
Accepts debate proposal from a previous letter.
10 Miss Voigt corrects ambiguity
Voigt--Charlotte R. (Student--1966--1968)
Clarifies voting requirements for student constitutional amendments.
11 Parker's proposal insufficient
Miller--Herman E. (Philosophy Faculty)
Asks for greater specificity with regard to Professor Parker's "orientation" plan.
12 Proposes Bartlett pillory
Haberer--Fredric M.
Pokes fun at the new penalty policies in women's dorms.
13 Students should help determine the academic calendar Calls for greater student input into the calendar process
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# Article Article Summary
14 Alumnus proposes new name
Huelsbeck--Charles J.
Suggests incorporating the word 'Northern' into the new university name.
15 Eye remiss in running ad
Lockard--James A. (Student--1966)
Student complains about a controversial anti-Viet Nam ad which was run in a previous issue.
16 Hoy opposed to court
Hoy--Howard L.
Gives several reasons for voting against the student court and bill of rights.
17 McBride replies to student
McBride--David W. (Student--1966)
Defends the activities of the Men's Union and tries to show their value.
18 Picasso controversial art figure
Behrens--Roy Richard (Class of 1968; Art Faculty)
Comments on the abilities of this artist.
19 Pirages writes AWS poem
Pirages--Phillip J. (Classes of 1967 and 1969; English Faculty)
Tries to discredit the actions and views of the AWS.
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# Article Article Summary
20 206 pints of blood are donated
21 Claus suggests Commonwealth University Professor Claus outlines reasons for his suggestion.
22 Close entrance to Baker Hall parking lot Attempt to cut down on traffic hazard.
23 Faculty Senate, SS favor student responsibility Discuss academic advising.
24 Gaines speaks on civil rights tomorrow Michael Gaines and Gwen Jones will speak.
25 Night hostess for Bartlett, it's 'like running a home.'
Stevens--Nancy (Student--1966)
Profile of Marian Bryant.
26 Regents approve purchase of 50 mobile homes Housing for married students will be located south of campus; will cost $240,000.
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# Article Article Summary
27 '67 orientation chairman position is open
28 ICC discusses travel service, intramurals Student representatives from Regents institutions and Drake meet.
29 Lost and found department is established Located in Business Office.
30 Opera tour at Morningside is first SCI group presents "The Marriage of Figaro"; first opera tour for SCI.
31 Pi Omega Pi members attend convention Four members will attend national meeting.
32 SCI debates ISU team Results of competition.
33 Students agree, disagree with coed's view of sex
Students offer opinions on sex.
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# Article Article Summary
34 Alumni funds purchase four Campanile bells
35 SCI wrestlers face the Fighting Illini Saturday
SCI will face Illinois on Saturday.
36 Seniors may discuss careers with firms
37 Stych, Henry pleased with efforts Both SCI teams look forward to their first season.
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# Article Article Summary
38 Panthers turn cold, Mankato escapes 64-62 SCI lost on Monday night.