Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Announce new library rules, Saturday hours Library will be open until 11PM on Saturday.
2 Board of Regents approves Centrex telephone service
Muehlethaler--Barbara (Student--1967)
Will eliminate need for switchboard; phones will be installed in dorm rooms.
3 Controversial Speakers will host homosexuals Paul Goldman and David Stienecker will speak.
4 Organizational meeting for Eye Monday
5 SCI Artist Series presents Gershwin's folk opera--'Porgy and Bess' Preview of the performance; photo.
6 Student book exchange ends
7 Ticket sales begin for 'The Young Americans' Preview of performances.
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# Article Article Summary
8 Believes comps not feasible
Chang--James C. (Chemistry Faculty)
Contends that comprehensive four year examinations may be a waist of time and money.
9 Questions Viet news coverage
Hoffmans--Edward C. (English Faculty)
Criticizes the actions of troops in Viet Nam.
10 Student questions college goals
Behrens--Virginia T. (Student--1967)
Questions whether the college is truly accomplishing the goals it has set.
11 The nightmare becomes reality
Shows the impending doom of semester grades.
12 When to talk about it?
Knapp--Terry J. (Speech Faculty)
Gives excuses for people not discussing important issues.
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# Article Article Summary
13 Fox supports comprehensive exams
Fox--Josef W. (Philosophy and Humanities Faculty)
Believes that the exams perform a meaningful educational function.
14 Individual phones frivolous Feels that phones in every dorm room would be a waste of money.
15 Ingalis responds to editorial
Gives basis for the opposition cited in a previous editorial.
16 Senator opposes comps
Dumond--Charlotte W. (Student--1966)
Contends for the elimination of comprehensive BA finals.
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# Article Article Summary
17 Albrecht: 'A good teacher knows, loves his subject' James Albrecht speaks to SISEA.
18 Extend deadline for entering College Bowl
19 No policy or prescriptions for contraceptives
Dr. Gerken says Health Services does not prescribe contraceptives; photo.
20 Poetry contest sponsored by 'College Arts'
21 Should SCI health center distribute contraceptives
Students respond to question about contraceptives.
22 Stych loses two more from gymnastic team Swimming and gymnastics are both losing many of their team members.
23 SUI site of forensic tournament List of six SCI students who will participate.
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# Article Article Summary
27 30 years ago Poetry: Street cars, yellow slickers A poetic look at life in the 1920's.
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# Article Article Summary
28 Curiosity and rat eyes led to genetic studies Gordon Harrington talks about the value and use of his experimental animals.
29 Loretta Ross chosen as Miss SCI pageant queen Profile of Loretta Ross; list of attendants.
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# Article Article Summary
30 Board of Regents selects 'Iowa Northern University' Also approve plan to purchase power from Cedar Falls Utilities; approve $6.2 million budget for Towers Complex.
31 Offer physical conditioning program to men
32 Rice Student Union design receives annual award Wins recognition in Progressive Architecture magazine; photo.
33 Smalley gives faculty recital Sunday eve
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# Article Article Summary
34 Bowling league to form Intramural bowling is to be established.
35 SCI wrestlers now 7-4 for season, Parker is beaten
SCI will go to the Minnesota quadrangular; lost against South Dakota State.
36 Tennis players to report today Interested players should meet today.
37 Whitford, Josephson honored at SCI game Coach and player honored at the game on Wednesday.
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# Article Article Summary
38 Panthers open indoor track season today SCI opens with a Varsity-Freshman game.
39 Panthers win two in NCC, whip Morningside, N. D. S.
SCI beat Morningside and North Dakota State; photo.
40 Try again for first home meet SCI will, for the third time, attempt to have a home meet.
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# Article Article Summary
41 BA exams for spring will be April 21
42 Civil Liberties committee aids student rights Will assist students who believe their rights have been violated.
43 Fall semester art show opens Sunday Will show 115 student works.
44 Fraternity rush begins Monday
45 Juniors may apply for week in Washington Slots open for 16 Iowans.
46 Mr. Page's painting appears in calendar Will appear in telephone company calendar.
47 New school text published by Wagner Willis Wagner publishes test on woodworking.
48 SCI hosts High School sports day About 350 women will be on campus.
49 Wesley shows 'Nothing but a Man' Sunday
50 WRA sponsors activities during first nine weeks