Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 All-college elections held for SS president, Senate List of candidates.
2 Fire averted Sunday night in Gilchrist College Eye staff member smells smoke; campus security officer locates short in transformer.
3 Gene Watson to run for SS president
4 HR review board plan placed in MU by-laws Outline of procedures for reviewing head residents.
5 Parents' residency requirement before enrollment may end Regents may consider new residency requirements.
6 Pat Bassett runs as write in for senator
7 Spring vacation begins Saturday Hours for services during break.
8 Untitled ISU student body president Don Smith; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
9 Need to define student power
Davis--Robert (Student--1964)
Advocates a more defined role of power for student government.
10 SCI needs new auditorium
Davis--Robert (Student--1964)
Advocates the construction of a larger, more adequate auditorium.
11 Smiles at irony Contends that a previous letter sounds similar to the views of modern extremist groups.
12 Untitled
Shows the power of protests, and appealing to the masses.
13 Vote where there's a choice
Davis--Robert (Student--1964)
Urges students not to vote when there is only one candidate for a position.
14 Why I am a college drop out
Russell--John (Class of 1956)
Contends that too many academics spend too much time on things other than academia.
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# Article Article Summary
15 Disaffiliates from VOS
McDonald--Charmain (Student--1966)
Cites strong conflicts of interest as reason for leaving the party; continuing to run for office.
16 Logic impeccable--impeachable
Brown--Dennis LeRoy (Class of 1969)
Criticizes the recent editorials.
17 No artificial academic barriers
Chabert--Henri L. (Modern Language Faculty)
Contends that some of the current academic 'standards' are limiting, pompous, and outdated.
18 Sailor regrets Viet Nam 'revolt'
Native Iowan expresses discontent with the discontent of the campus.
19 Says students won't vote
Questions why the editor would encourage students not to vote when many already don't.
20 Upchurch urges all to vote
Upchurch--Bruce L. (Industrial Technology Faculty)
Urges students not only to vote, but vote intelligently by seriously considering his party.
21 Why not run?
Asks why the Eye reporter hasn't run for office.
22 YRs endorse Upchurch
Caldwell--Diane E. (Student--1967)
Claim that the candidate is just what the campus needs to represent the entire university, not just the "New Left."
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# Article Article Summary
23 Franks defends his statement
Gives backing evidence to his previous claims about the state education budget.
24 Objects to Viet Nam debate
Hoffmans--Edward C. (English Faculty)
Disagrees with the methods used in the recent debate.
25 Questions Rockwell
Ide--Arthur F. (Class of 1967)
Discusses the inherent problems of the American Nazi's ideologies.
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# Article Article Summary
26 Play reading "Bury Dead" at Poetry Hour Samuel Jackson will read.
27 Students-administration express their views on university status
Students and administrators tell what they believe the name change will bring and what the school needs.
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# Article Article Summary
28 Focus on Smith - Interview with ISU student body president Don Smith; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
29 Rockwell at SCI
Franck--Gregary D. (Student--1967)
Excerpts from presentation by George Rockwell; 800 turned away from full Auditorium; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
44 Alice in Wonderland question debated by Parker--Skaine Consider hypothesis that SCI students are unaware and not prepared for learning; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
45 Frosh Trackmen finish unbeaten SCI finished their undefeated season against Ellsworth JC on Thursday night.
46 Sankyu Belt to Jim Bell, Dr. Ward
47 SCI wins college meet for the 10th time SCI finished indoor season with a strong win.
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# Article Article Summary
48 Alumni telefund drive pays for 11 new bells Hope to raise enough money for 32 bells.
49 Band, Concert Chorale to present pops concert Performance program.
50 Dean Voldseth gives criteria for release of room-board contracts Outline of situations in which a student may be released from his dorm contract without penalty.
51 ISU board passes no hour policy Sophomore and junior women will have no hours.
52 Marketing Club to meet Weds., charter given Receive state charter.
53 Torch and Tassel eligibility now announced