Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Accident injures three students Car jumps curb at 23rd and Campus Streets.
2 Cabaret will be Saturday UPC sponsoring cabaret night.
3 College Bowl competition is underway
4 College Eye organizational meeting Monday
5 Ideas just 'pop out' for Knapp Eye columnist
Beatty--Kennie S. (Class of 1969)
Profile of Terry Knapp; photo.
6 Maucker names Hogeland SCI's new cage coach Wesley Hogeland was named head coach on Thursday.
7 UPC shows 'Ashes and Diamonds'
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# Article Article Summary
8 Doors shut to students
Volker--John Earl (Class of 1969; Future Studies Staff)
Contests the policy of forcing students to leave the dorms during academic holidays.
9 Editorial changes in Eye
Gives new editorial policies which remove more faculty-oriented content from the paper.
10 Need place to go after 11
Haberer--Fredric M.
Laments the lack of late night facilities in the campus area.
11 Platform planks in elections 'absurd'
Fox--Josef W. (Philosophy and Humanities Faculty)
Considers the current student government to be a pathetic, powerless waste.
12 Untitled
Faculty Men's Lounge in the Commons; photo.
13 Upchurch: progress based on questions and answers
Upchurch--Bruce L. (Industrial Technology Faculty)
Student Senate president declares the vital importance of student government.
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# Article Article Summary
14 'Prehistoric art deserves a good look'
Behrens--Roy Richard (Class of 1968; Art Faculty)
Discusses the upcoming Art Fair and gallery exhibit; photo.
15 Fraternity housing 'aids in education'
Hosch--Harmon M. (Class of 1966)
Attempts to justify purchase of fraternity house.
16 He has 'alias'
Longnecker--John C. (Class of 1961; Mathematics F)
Corrects the mistake made by the paper in a recent picture caption.
17 Ide offers facts to Carl Attempts to aid the search for arguments against Rockwell's recent speech.
18 Miss Farrell and Knapp play word games--Hoffmans
Hoffmans--Edward C. (English Faculty)
Continues the argument about the lack of real debate in a recent debate.
19 Norman Rockwell protests letter
Rockwell--Norman (Artist)
The artist protest the wrongful confusion of his name with that of the American Nazi Party leader.
20 Says alligator has right to keep SS seat
Peek--John Michael (Classes of 1975 and 1977)
Gives several reasons why the elected senator should retain his seat.
21 Troutner proposes new Viet debate
Proposes another debate be held in the proper fashion.
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# Article Article Summary
22 An anatomy of demonstrations
Hoffmans--Edward C. (English Faculty)
Gives a thorough description of what the strategies are for protests and demonstrations.
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# Article Article Summary
23 Breithaupts will be dinner guests At UPC "Dinner with the Prof".
24 Prehistoric paintings on display
25 SCI Bahai Club to host conference
26 Students direct play excerpts Karilyn Hughes, David Adamson, and Larry Mullican will direct plays.
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# Article Article Summary
27 The mysterious ouija--does it really work?
Parsons--Sandra (Student--1966)
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# Article Article Summary
28 800 students will attend SCI Art Fair Will compete for scholarships.
29 Eye wins first class fall rating
30 Herrold displays jewelry
31 Home ec majors will teach adult classes Will deal with entertaining.
32 Lecture on German youth to be Thursday A. F. Rosiny will speak.
33 Untitled Mike Kester and Liz Buechele will entertain at cabaret; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
34 Cheerleaders will be chosen Announcement for cheerleading practice and tryouts.
35 Inadequate facilities limit opportunity, Thorne says Comments on crowd at recent speech by George Rockwell.
36 Modern men rest muscles while chivalry wrestles
Peet--Patricia A. (Student--1967)
Questions chivalry of SCI men; photo.
37 SCI prof will work in Nigeria John Bruha will work as mathematics consultant.
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# Article Article Summary
38 Cryer, Nelson doubtful Two starters may be out of the upcoming game.
39 Panthers to host Wartburg for 2; Pitching still doubtful Gives an early season look at the team.
40 Parker will represent SCI in east-west all-state meet
The wrestler will travel to Oklahoma State.
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# Article Article Summary
41 65 athletes awarded winter sports awards The banquet was held on Wednesday; list of those who won letters.
42 From the bear's paw
Characterizes "a track nut."
43 Green to head intramurals SCI has a new physical education instructor and intramural head.
44 Open letter to SCI students, teachers, and administrators Ed Hoffmans urges people to attend a mass demonstration in New York against the Viet Nam War.
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# Article Article Summary
45 For what it's worth
Highlights the events of spring sports to date.
46 Panthers win outdoor meet SCI opened the outdoor season with a win against Missouri State.
47 SCI trackmen stay perfect A summary of the meet at Southwest Missouri State.
48 Spring football practice begins SCI started spring training on Monday.
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# Article Article Summary
49 'Jazz-op' features art-music Music and art show will be presented.
50 Beard growing competition for men opens
51 Folk dance festival to be Sunday
52 Hours set for senior writing tests Must take composition test.
53 Meeting for undecided majors Monday
54 Music group to present concert Sunday Phi Mu Alpha and Sigma Alpha Iota will present American music.
55 Novelist to visit campus Kurt Vonnegut will speak.
56 SCI-U of I debate to be televised
57 Students must file now for registration