Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Another UNI bookstore?
Considers past efforts to start a campus bookstore.
2 Campanile project at half-way mark Have raised about $15,000 on way to $32,000 goal for new bells.
3 Elms we never again shall see Many campus trees are being cut down due to Dutch Elm Disease; photo.
4 Last day for cap and gown to be ordered
5 Plaza dance; free admission
6 Summer play production, romantic comedy by Fry Lengthy preview of "The Lady's Not for Burning"; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
7 Doubts that teaching can be profession
Mennenga--Gordon (Student--1962)
Feels the profession of teaching forgets about students.
8 Practice violates principles
Jacobs--John L. (Classes of 1968 and 1974)
Comments on the current policy of the Controversial Speakers Committee.
9 Would have Eye be newspaper-journal?
Fox--Josef W. (Philosophy and Humanities Faculty)
Details reasons why the College Eye should remain a newspaper.
10 YD's will have active part
Tells how the Young Democrats will act as a organization of the university.
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# Article Article Summary
11 Dr. Voldseth explains rule concerning sexual conduct Edward Voldseth explains origin of recent codification of rules.
12 Oyloe art in Commons show Work by Gary Oyloe on display.
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# Article Article Summary
13 Announce series programs A look at the 1967-1968 Artists Series.
14 Previews Meetings and events planned; summer play tickets on sale.
15 Students to give four recitals Ronald Raedke, Roger Fedelleck, Patricia Bowman, and Jeryl Mawe will perform.
16 Testimonial dinner planned to honor business head Will commission portrait of Lloyd Douglas and establish scholarship fund.
17 UNI to face national champ Michigan State University is on the schedule for UNI.
18 Von Baravalle guest lecturer for institute Will speak to summer math institute.