Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 67-68 Artists Series features the American Folk Ballet Schedule of performances for 1967-1968
2 McCabe: U.S. policy in Asia is failure in understanding Robert McCabe offers views on foreign policy; photo.
3 New Chamber Music Series fall performance to open Schedule of performances.
4 UNI employees form union President Maucker reacts to recent organization of Local 1258 of the United Packinghouse Workers of America; protest parking situation; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
5 'Aren't doves great?' Random musings.
6 Fables
Breithaupt--J. F. (Psychology Faculty)
New versions of fables.
7 Help rename the Eye
Asks for help in seeking new name for College Eye.
8 Is a traffic 'summons' legal?; questions officials
Anderson--Maurice Lee (Student--1961)
Outlines objections to recent parking ticket.
9 Suggests UNI 'possibilities'
Blackman--Mildred R. (Laboratory School Faculty)
Considers uses of words beginning with the letters UNI.
10 What happens then?
Dislikes library policy of notifying patrons only when a fine exceeds fifty cents.
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# Article Article Summary
11 Gymnasts to meet Freshmen, sophomore, and varsity gymnasts should attend meeting today.
12 Speakers Program Committee plans for 67-68 Several well-known speakers are under consideration.
13 UNI women students have no hours system New policy which went into effect in June 1967 means no hours for women over 21; or women who are under 21, have more than 30 hours of academic credit, and who have their parents' permission.
14 University status leaves College Eye nameless Contest continues to select new name; list of some suggestions.
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# Article Article Summary
15 A Viet Nam Beg-out Will collect money at Matriculation Convocation for Viet Nam relief.