Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Atlantic Monthly director to speak at UNI Tuesday Peter H. Davison will speak; photo.
2 Does administration have right to enter rooms?
Dean Holmes outlines her position that it is sometimes appropriate for university officials to enter rooms.
3 Dr. Martin Nelson to lead Homecoming parade tomorrow Details on the parade and its participants; photo
4 Legislators to meet today on UNI campus Budget and Financial Control Committee will hear presentations from administration.
5 Sandpipers to perform pops concert tonight Photo.
6 UNI Theatre announces cast for production of 'The Fan' Complete cast list with play summary.
7 Young Uck Kim to open the '67-'68 Artists Series Concert preview.
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# Article Article Summary
8 'A strange night visitor'
Jacobs--John L. (Classes of 1968 and 1974)
Fable about choosing freedom over the system.
9 Challenges committee's letter
Critical of plan not to allow spontaneous oral questions.
10 Some suggestions for things to see
List of things for legislators to see include antiquated, dilapidated facilities and overcrowded conditions.
11 To Core: we really did try
Recount recent prank involving banner.
12 Untitled
Consequences of draft evasion.
13 Untitled
Man reconsiders buring his draft card.
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# Article Article Summary
14 'New look'
Believes UNI needs more than a name change.
15 Policy successful - change rejected
Thorne--Edward James (Speech Faculty)
Professor Thorne responds to Professor Wiesenfeld about the Controversial Speakers Committee.
16 Precautions to keep 'clean'
Ironic comments.
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# Article Article Summary
17 Fraternities IFC announces rush plans.
18 Norwegian class to begin Thursday Professor Koenig will teach non-credit course.
19 Sigma Alpha Eta First meeting of speech correction honorary.
20 String quartet to present concert Saturday Players from the University of Iowa will perform.
21 Tepaskes to be dinner guests Tuesday night Will be guests at second Dinner with the Prof.
22 University Players Will present "The Golden Bull of Boredom".
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# Article Article Summary
23 Queen's favorite pastime--'talking'
Allerton--Keith L. (Class of 1970)
Biographical profile of Homecoming Queen Susan Lindholm; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
24 How current is current?
Allerton--Keith L. (Class of 1970)
Critical of Pops Concert performers.
25 Untitled Queen Sue Lindholm lights the traditional torch; photo.
26 What about Queen Sue's attendants?
Allerton--Keith L. (Class of 1970)
Short sketches of attendants.
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# Article Article Summary
27 From the President
Maucker--James William (President of ISTC--SCI--and UNI)
President Maucker welcomes everyone to enjoy the activities.
28 Untitled Groups and performers take part in the Homecoming Variety show; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
29 Getting in practice Panthers prepare for Homecoming game against Augustana; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
30 'Go Greek' is theme for Sig Tau's
Allerton--Keith L. (Class of 1970)
Sigma Tau Gamma holds open house; plans for the year.
31 Dr. Anderson authors study on Robinson Professor Wallace Anderson continues Edwin Arlington Robinson scholarship.
32 Irene Hunt, author, speaks at conference Speaks at elementary education conference.
33 Largest Regents unit, Noehren dedicated Sunday Ceremony includes speakers, reception, and open house.
34 McDonald calls elementary teachers 'fellow scapegoats' James McDonald featured at elementary education conference.
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# Article Article Summary
35 First UNI Homecoming tomorrow; Homecoming highlights UNI hopes to draw on past Homecomings to defeat Augustana.
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# Article Article Summary
36 "Old pros" top early NCC statistics charts Senior veterans are leading the way according to early statistics returns.
37 Panther 100 to perform at half-time Marching Band will perform under Professor Coffin.
38 Seven teams unbeaten in flag football; playoffs start Flag football draws to an end.
39 Untitled Ray Pedersen plunges through hoop; photo.
40 Waterloo Y offers Judo for women Waterloo YMCA is offering Judo classes for women.
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# Article Article Summary
41 'Reflections' dance to be tomorrow Preview of Homecoming dance.
42 Non-teaching majors to meet for placement Registration recommended.
43 Organizations to meet for 1967 Homecoming Meeting times for campus groups, departments, and clubs.
44 Placement office to distribute material Tuesday
45 Previews Activities and meetings.
46 Senate discusses three topics Faculty Senate discusses general education, science department division, and meeting with Student Senate.