Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 'Picketing and Leafleting' planned for CIA visit Mark Henschel describes plans.
2 AWS applications available at personnel office Positions as guides and counselors open.
3 Cinema '68 to present 'Playground' Professor Knott will present viewpoint on film.
4 Elizabeth Paul to present Bach works on organ Brief biographical sketch of Miss Paul.
5 Interviews for CIA Wednesday Professor Fossum has received some objections.
6 Jules Moreau to speak at Winter Convocation Will speak on relevance of Christian faith to modern life.
7 Nijim, Buium to debate Mid-east issue Culmination of letters in Northern Iowan.
8 Old Gold to feature historical picture section Executive editor Karen Vaudt describes format of 1968 Old Gold.
9 Paul Theroux to read at first spring Poetry Hour Biographical sketch of Theroux.
10 Regents to consider policy on campus demonstrations; 'working policy' now Text of policy, established by President Maucker, that Regents will consider.
11 Spring play 'Boys frp, Syracuse' Professors Holst and Birkhead will direct.
12 UNI drops English writing test requirement No longer required for students transferring English credit to UNI.
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# Article Article Summary
13 'Love-letter' to Seven buyers
Editor explains what she believes are purpose and effect of Seven.
14 Misinterpretation of draft resistance
Outlines what he believes are the best aims of draft resistance.
15 Prepared for the worst
Believes that policy on demonstrations is probably a good idea, especially with the CIA recruiter scheduled to be on campus.
16 Questions for CIA
Hellwig--Louis Robert (Psychology Faculty)
Professor Hellwig poses questions.
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# Article Article Summary
17 Clarke House repeats--this time in basketball
Clarke House won all-university intramural basketball championships.
18 Matmen win three times; extend record to 12-2
UNI defeated Mankato State, Eastern Michigan, and the University of North Dakota in "finest meet."
19 Panthers split two; drop to third in NCC UNI was defeated by South Dakota, but bounced back to defeat Morningside.
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# Article Article Summary
20 'War Game' today, 'Sons and Daughters' Thursday Sigma Theta Epsilon will sponsor films.
21 Distributive education Club will meet.
22 Employment conference March 21, 22 Marketing Club will arrange transportation to Chicago.
23 Kappa Delta Pi Professor Oppleman will speak.
24 Kappa Theta Psi Pledges will shine shoes.
25 Longfellow Project Organizational meeting of former College Help group.
26 Previews Activities and meetings.
27 SISEA Will meet.
28 Volleyball An organizational meeting will be held today for all those interested in co-rec volleyball.
29 Young Democrats James Gallagher will speak.