Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 200 sign petition Students protest the $13 increase in student fees; photo.
2 John Krance to conduct Tallcorn Festival bands Four hundred high school students will be on campus; photo.
3 Moseley to speak on UFO controversy Monday Sketch of James Moseley; photo.
4 Probation, suspension rate lower for fall semester
Registrar Beard discusses recent trends in student grades.
5 Theremin on UNI campus: new musical instrument
Randy Hogancamp talks about playing the electronic instrument.
6 Union demands wage hike; meet with Maucker Monday Physical plant employees walk off job.
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# Article Article Summary
7 An exercise in thought control; UNI demonstrations policy
Hoffmans--Edward C. (English Faculty)
Believes recently adopted policy is repressive.
8 Forced to write on Viet Nam; Obiter Scripta
Fox--Josef W. (Philosophy and Humanities Faculty)
Professor believes that the United States should get out of Viet Nam.
9 Pride, boy do we need it!
Applauds efforts of Pep Council to instill pride and promote unity.
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# Article Article Summary
10 Absolute freedom vs. the Constitution
Believes in rule of law; believes that individual's concept of freedom can be flawed.
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# Article Article Summary
11 'Christian religion today really religionless Christianity' Jules Moreau comments on religion in modern life; photo.
12 May form appellate court John Murphy offers viewpoint on court system.
13 Three teams compete in College Bowl Professor Jensen will judge event.
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# Article Article Summary
14 Beckman, Johnson in music recital Sunday Concert program.
15 Schuler is credit union president Other officers elected as well; $322,869 in assets after twelve years of operation.
16 Sjolander to preside at home economics meeting Will chair general session.
17 Untitled Randy Hogancamp showed others the theremin he made himself; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
18 Cast of 18 start winter play rehearsal Rehearse for "Six Characters"; cast list.
19 Ina Silvey to speak on algorithms at math meeting Discusses purposes of her work.
20 Untitled The Juilliard String Quartet will be performing as part of the Chamber Music Series; photo.
21 Ward to be chairman of literature study group Will chair regional group.
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# Article Article Summary
22 Jennings, Robertson place first; Old Gold Variety show Mike Roberston and Dick Jennings take first place, while Bill Trees takes second; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
23 Caretaker busy with plants, animals
Victor Olsen describes his job in the greenhouse; photo.
24 Gerald Sousay to perform in Artists Series French baritone will perform.
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# Article Article Summary
25 'Statesmen' to appear in concert Wednesday Glee club from South Dakota will perform.
26 'Thin lead' for police in dorm robbery case Thieves steal wallets from dorm rooms.
27 19 Campbell coeds play canasta for 100 hours Marathon tournament.
28 Clarke 'Dream Girl' is Holly McLaughlin Wins at Valentine's Day dance.
29 Untitled Larry Kettlee ate forty-three raw eggs in a hour as part of a contest in Carpenter House in Rider Hall; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
30 Distribute tickets today for game Tickets for the Western Illinois University-UNI game are available.
31 Tennis meeting scheduled today at 4 An organizational meeting for varsity tennis will be held.
32 UNI hopes to extend win string tonight at home UNI will host Eau Claire State at home tonight.
33 Untitled Panthers defeated Moorhead State Tuesday; photo.
34 Waugh tops in point race as NCC stretch begins Waugh hopes to continue his lead tonight against South Dakota State University.
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# Article Article Summary
35 Faculty Senate approves industrial arts degrees Approve Bachelor of Technology degree.
36 UNI on road for two; singleton here Monday UNI hopes to dominate in next three games.
37 Wrestlers defeat Moorhead, duel with Northern Illinois UNI hopes to add another win to their 13-3 record as they meet Northern Illinois.
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# Article Article Summary
38 'Lilies of Field' shown Friday in ballroom
39 Fraternity spring rush begins Sunday
40 Grant development leaves to Dr. Thorne, 12 others Roster of those receiving professional development leaves.
41 Greenawald to sing in 'Song Cycle' Sheri Greenawald will perform work by Professor Michaelides.
42 Poet Alan Ginsberg to speak Wednesday Will read selections from his poetry.
43 Previews Activities and meetings.