Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Campanile to have 32 new bells by summer Will be cast in the Netherlands; several old bells will be replaced as well; larger bells will be inscribed.
2 Cyndi Hovden, Jim Hoel win in student elections Complete election results; Hovden defeats Cummings, 1961-1677.
3 El-Ferra says Israel doesn't want coexistence Gives speech and interviews; photo.
4 Play becomes 'happening,' characters instruct actors
Review of play: "Six Characters in Search of an Author."
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# Article Article Summary
5 'Can flagrantly avoid questions'
Wiesenfeld--Julius (Mathematics Faculty)
Professor Wiesenfeld believes recent speaker did not answer his question.
6 Carrying it a bit too far
Believes SDS plans are ineffective.
7 Has talked to veterans
Responds to recent letter; relates experiences of friends who have been to Viet Nam; likes the Northern Iowan coverage.
8 How to stop the war; perspective
Crownfield--David R. (Philosophy and Religion Facu
Points out ways, other than draft resistance, in which to oppose the war.
9 Refusal discriminatory
Hellwig--Louis Robert (Psychology Faculty)
Believes administrative decision not to allow CADRE on campus is wrong.
10 Untitled President checked out book six years ago.
11 We're well on our way
Critical of performance of some faculty.
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# Article Article Summary
12 Friday is last day for Old Gold sales Cost is $4.12.
13 Physical plant employees request 49 cent increase Union contends that the request is not from them, but from the Physical Plant Committee; staff members now eligible for TIAA benefits.
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# Article Article Summary
14 No time to study for midterms Students enjoy spring weather while avoiding studying; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
15 'Peaceful campaign' seen by CADRE supporters Plans to appear on campus despite denial of permission.
16 No lights in Regents, dinner by candlelight Power out for about four hours.
17 Sarah Minium chosen Sigma Alpha Iota winner Award initiated by Olive Barker.
18 SS will administer 'grade your prof' poll Cyndi Hovden gets matters organized.
19 Towers fire damages dining area Fire ignited by construction equipment damages wiring.
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# Article Article Summary
20 'Professional negotiations' to be discussed Thursday George Redfern will speak.
21 Beard contest sign-up sheets by mail rooms For MU-AWS Week.
22 Beautification project meeting is tomorrow Will work on homes of senior citizens in Waterloo.
23 Hit by car, coed suffers leg injuries Barbara Hall injured while crossing 23rd Street.
24 New York professor to be head of English department Keith McKean will replace retiring Professor Reninger; biographical sketch of Professor McKean.
25 Tryout dates for 'Alchemist' announced Professor Glenn will direct Jonson play.
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# Article Article Summary
26 Bond, Osboe to compete in University division tourney
Jerry Bond, Kent Osboe, and Coach Patten hope to bring home titles.
27 Students present piano, clarinet recitals today Sarah Minium and Edward McMahon will perform
28 Trackmen win invitational break 3 records, tie 2
UNI beats old team point record with a new score of 138 points.
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# Article Article Summary
29 1015 of 1506 Regents diners sign food service petition Students ask for improvements in food services.
30 Fine Arts Committee to meet Thursday Organizing Jazz Op Happening.
31 Library hours to change next week Will change for spring break.
32 Miss Henao-Blanco to read Spanish modernistic poems Will read work of eight poets.
33 Previews Activities and meetings.
34 Seminar in physics tomorrow Professor Engardt will discuss undergraduate program in physics.
35 Smith gives travelogue on Chile Professor Smith has visited Chile three times.