Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 'Alchemist' tickets now on sale at Crossroads Preview of play; photo.
2 Awards given to journalists Monday night Campus publications students win awards.
3 Comedian Dick Gregory speaks today in gym Profile of Dick Gregory; photo.
4 Minority education group considers 'black' courses Group speaks with Norman Dixon.
5 Student Senate discusses King Scholarship fund Consider eligibility for scholarship; discuss recent collegiate presidential primary.
6 University's role in arrest results in review of policy Mr. Hoffmans initially decides to discontinue teaching in protest, then reconsiders.
7 Vietnamese writer to give peace proposal Monday Le Thi Anh will offer her views on Viet Nam war; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
8 'A real swingin' place'
Praises the many musical performances on campus this year.
9 'Blame students, not staff'
Student library employee responds to recent criticisms of library conditions and services.
10 'University plays junior G-man'
Fox--Josef W. (Philosophy and Humanities Faculty)
Critical of recent arrest of draft resister.
11 Fox to remain silent
Fox--Josef W. (Philosophy and Humanities Faculty)
Professor Fox continues to defend general education in the face of those who support the Bachelor of Technology.
12 Hoffmans will not teach
Hoffmans--Edward C. (English Faculty)
Protests administrative role in recent arrest of draft resister.
13 Wants human race pride
Believes pride should transcend color.
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# Article Article Summary
14 'Can reasonable men agree?;" perspective
Crownfield--David R. (Philosophy and Religion Facu
Professor Crownfield offers proposal relating to general education and the proposed Bachelor of Technology degree.
15 Blau approves of policy
Those who are protesting the manner of his arrest are not speaking for him; they may be speaking even after he asked them not to protest the matter.
16 President J. W. Maucker urges clarification of academic freedom
Maucker--James William (President of ISTC--SCI--and UNI)
Selections of text of President Maucker's acceptance speech for AAUP award.
17 Proposes Afro-American course
Would take course if offered; urges that it be added to the curriculum.
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# Article Article Summary
18 'September Experience' available Description of program.
19 7000 responses expected for prof evaluation survey Evaluations carried out this week; data will be tabulated.
20 Anderson, Behrens exhibit begins Sunday in Commons Brief sketches of artists.
21 Campus groups respond to King fund Brief list of contributors.
22 German Club comedy 'Lampshade' starts today Play preview; photo.
23 Students for McCarthy to canvass city Seeking contributions.
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# Article Article Summary
24 Dr. McDavitt to represent SAA at Cornell Brief profile.
25 Dubuque ballet group to perform on Sunday Program.
26 Pi Omega Pi Initiates new members.
27 Untitled A wall behind the Administration Building was added to help beautify campus; photo.
28 Young Democrats Elect officers.
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# Article Article Summary
29 Baseball team sends potent offense against Chiefs, top hurlers clash Panthers hope to continue winning streak as they face Morningside.
30 Intramural golf tourney tomorrow UNI will host intramural tourney.
31 UNI golfers win twice UNI defeated Loras, 12-3, and St. Ambrose, 11-4.
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# Article Article Summary
32 Intrasquad football game Saturday, offense ready Panthers face each other in game.
33 Trackmen bury Iowa State 94-52; five records set
UNI dominated Iowa State University in dual track meet Wednesday night.
34 Untitled Ron Foell hits the first of his two home runs against Drake; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
35 'Beau Gentry' plays tomorrow at UAB dance
36 Dr. Crownfield to moderate book discussion Will discuss "Lord of the Flies".
37 Finals schedule revised; exams begin May 22
38 Marine Corps on campus Monday
39 Porter to be 'Dinner with Prof' guest Brief profile of Professor Porter.
40 Previews Activities and meetings.
41 Women's Chorus to give Spring Music Festival Concert program.