Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 'Saturation point reached' for closed circuit classes Brief history of the use of closed circuit television classes on campus; photo.
2 Ashley Montagu probes current civil disorders; first controversial speaker Controversial Speakers Program tentative schedule for 1968-69 announced.
3 King Scholarship money helps 5 college students Scholarship winners announced; guidelines for application given.
4 Student Senate discusses Book Store prices, beer Topics of discussion included book prices, beer on the hill, meal tickets, and overcrowded dormitories.
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# Article Article Summary
5 Defends plus-minus
Crownfield--David R. (Philosophy and Religion Facu
Reprint of reply letter by David R. Crownfield to Des Moines Register editorial on plus-minus and pass/fail grading; states that these reforms should reduce grade pressures, not increase them.
6 Matters of tennis etiquette
Chabert--Henri L. (Modern Language Faculty)
Professor Chabert offers advice on tennis etiquette and appropriate attire.
7 Parietal hours
Editorial calls for changes in on-campus housing policies, especially the open house policy in men's dormitories; describes successful implementation of such policies at Iowa State University.
8 Student discontent mounting
Fox--Josef W. (Philosophy and Humanities Faculty)
Examines student challenges to administrative and faculty authority.
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# Article Article Summary
9 An open letter
Letter states that conscience and reason are more effective in saving mankind than religion.
10 World of L'Opera comes to Northern Iowa
Offenbach's La Perichole will be presented in November; cast listed.
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# Article Article Summary
11 'Wives of Windsor' cast is announced Historical background given; cast list for Shakespeare's play.
12 Dr. Alan Shields explores art, its appropriate goals Allan Shields, new Dean of the College of Humanities and Fine Arts, is first speaker in lecture series sponsored by the Art Department.
13 Information for grad fellowship now available Inquiries concerning Danforth Graduate Fellowships are invited; they will be awarded in March, 1969.
14 Student Infirmary serves university community well Student Health Center treats 100-150 students during the week and about forty students each weekend; description of staff, services, and hours.
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# Article Article Summary
15 Cloister Coffeehouse Grand opening of the Cloister Coffeehouse will feature folk singer Mike Kester on September 20-21, 1968.
16 Home Ec Club First meeting of the Home Economics Club will be held Tuesday in the newly decorated home planning room, room 307, in Wright Hall.
17 Old Gold Old Gold will have organizational meeting in the Old Gold office, 205 Gilchrist, on Monday.
18 SISEA to hold annual student membership drive SISEA will hold its annual membership drive, including a fund-raising dance to cover medical costs of Cedar Falls child Stacey Goodrich; list of programs scheduled for 1968-1969.
19 Spanish Club Will meet Monday in Cloister Coffeehouse.
20 Untitled Baker Hall residents enjoy warm day by playing softball; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
21 Eighteen teams zoom into three weeks of flag football Rider Hall, Shull Hall, Baker Hall, fraternity, and off-campus divisions encompass eighteen teams.
22 Football schedule Schedule for September 21, 1968 through November 9, 1968.
23 Iowan sports Intramural scores and schedule for week ahead.
24 New swimming hours fixed at Men's pool Recreational hours for men set.
25 Panthers bus it to Potato Bowl game
UNI faces the University of North Dakota in the third annual Potato Bowl game Saturday.
26 Untitled Panthers defeated Western Illinois; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
27 1,060 miles by bus
Waller discusses Panthers' upcoming road trip to North Dakota; photo.
28 Dough gone? Tell how much and it's yours Money found at stadium after game last Saturday can be picked up by rightful owner at Jim Witham's office in the Men's Gymnasium.
29 Not in shape, Harriers host Winona tomorrow UNI opens season with three-mile run against Winona State.
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# Article Article Summary
30 Brian Carney to open Union Coffeehouse Folk and rock singer returns September 30 to October 5 to perform in the Commons.
31 Iowa Postmaster Scholarship open Sophomores or juniors who are children or grandchildren of Iowa postmasters may apply.
32 Music faculty will present opera concert First program of UNI Faculty Concert Series this year is this Sunday; music faculty will sing duets and trios from operas.
33 President to address Convocation Annual matriculation convocation.
34 Previews Activities and meetings.
35 Project Headstart provides student teaching situation UNI students have teaching opportunity through Head Start program.
36 Topic of film is 'Evolution and Protest' Film "Saturday Night and Sunday Morning" will be shown September 20 as part of UAB film series "Protest and Revolution".
37 Union Activities Board sponsors 'Join In' dance Dance will give students opportunity to meet UAB directors and become acquainted with the 1968-69 program; music will be provided by the Spartans.