Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 '68 Homecoming means no books
Wilbur--Thomas W. (Student--1968-1969)
Description of the many activities scheduled for Homecoming week, including coronation of the queen, a variety show, dances, a football game, and the dedication of the carillon; photo.
2 Ashley Montagu to speak on civil disorders, strife Noted anthropologist Ashley Montagu will speak Friday on civil disorders; profile; photo.
3 Tickets available for Homecoming activities Ticket prices for the various Homecoming activities.
4 U of I President speaks on efficiency in education University of Iowa President Howard Bowen addressed the American Council on Education on Thursday about efficiency and the cost of education.
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# Article Article Summary
5 Express opinion
Editorial reminds readers to express their opinions concerning beer on the Hill in the Student Senate poll today.
6 No Single-Ball
Acacia Fraternity
Letter responds to Gene Knapp letter in 10/8/68 issue by stating that Acacia no longer requires a unanimous approval before a bid is extended to an individual.
7 Out of touch with contemporaries; UNI cheerleaders
Forrest--Jay M.
Letter says UNI cheerleaders need to update their uniforms and routines.
8 Sensible Homecoming
Editorial urges readers to show excitement and school spirit by supporting the various Homecoming activities.
9 Student Senate power
Hoel--James L. (Class of 1970)
Letter from Student Senate Vice President describing accomplishments of the Senate and urging students to vote in the "Beer on the Hill" poll.
10 The World of the Sparrow and the Hawk
Column takes a humorous look at a variety of topics, including arms for campus security, the draft, Brian Carney, and the new UNIon.
11 Would commemorate rally, all-night vigil
Letter calls for commemoration of President Maucker's courageous stand for freedom of speech in connection with the Ed Hoffmans case one year before.
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# Article Article Summary
12 Hold 'Sing In' by Regents "Sing-In" sponsored by Regents' Coordinating Committee will be held tomorrow and Thursday.
13 South Viet profs study U. S. educational system
Wherry--Peg (Class of 1972)
Five professors of teacher training visited UNI as part of a program to learn about the education system in the United States; background in the university system in Vietnam.
14 The Club Will meet Thursday and hear speech by Henry Parker on "The Cold War at East High School".
15 Untitled
Wilbur--Thomas W. (Student--1968-1969)
Panther gymnastic team entertained at Saturday's game; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
16 Today--beer on the Hill poll
Student Senate
Explanation of Student Senate poll of faculty and student opinion regarding sale of beer in College Hill establishments.
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# Article Article Summary
17 Untitled Steve Shaffer and Steve Pudenz rehearse a scene from "The Merry Wives of Windsor", to be presented October 30 through November 2; photo.
18 Upward Bound motivates non-college bound student
Profile of program designed to motivate non-college-bound high school students with the capability to succeed in higher education.
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# Article Article Summary
19 Basketball note Varsity basketball candidates should report to Tuesday meeting; freshmen tryouts will be held Wednesday and Thursday.
20 Iowa Central stuns Panther frosh, 54-0 UNI loses to Iowa Central Community College.
21 Panthers reverse trend, escape Drake's passing
Witt--William G. (Class of 1972; Public Information Services Staff; General Assembly Member)
UNI defeated Drake, 21-19, for the first time in three years; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
22 Harriers take fourth in Minnesota meet UNI dropped to fourth place at the St. Cloud State Invitational.
23 SAE, Kendall top swim tourney, four records Kendall House and SAE fraternity won their respective tournaments.
24 Untitled Clarke House beat the Spartans to win the all-university flag football championship; photo.
25 Untitled Denny Kettner runs toward the second of his two touchdowns against Drake; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
26 All organizations to report plans for Homecoming Homecoming activities should be reported to Evie Rice, Homecoming publicity chairman.
27 Italian Chamber Ensemble opens Chamber Series Second annual Chamber Music Series opens October 24 with I Madrigalisti di Venezia.
28 Marine Corps recruiters on campus Officer Selection Team will visit October 15-17 to interview interested students.
29 Pre-Law students to meet tomorrow Pre-law students will meet tomorrow to tour the offices of the Legal-Aid Society and discuss ways in which they might help in its work.
30 Previews Activities and meetings.
31 Rally site changed Location of Friday night's bonfire and pep rally has been changed.
32 United Appeal to include all students Though not officially included, students will have an opportunity to contribute to United Appeal.
33 Wilson to read at Poetry Hour Robley Wilson will read an original short story at the Westminster Coffee House today; profile of Professor Wilson.