Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Registrar's office reports 502 withdrawals
Detailed analysis of reasons for withdrawals.
2 Theatre UNI to present 'Merry Wives of Windsor' Performances will be October 30 to November 2; plot synopsis; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
3 'Myth of Negro past'
Eiklor--John Leonard (History Faculty)
Letter suggests creation of an Afro-American Humanities course as a stopgap measure until Black history and culture can be fully integrated into general survey courses.
4 An observation
Breithaupt--J. F. (Psychology Faculty)
Letter ponders male-female relationships.
5 An open letter to WMT-TV
Letter urges television station to show upcoming Minnesota Vikings game at which Panther Marching 100 will play during half-time.
6 Capricious wind or frivolous student?
Letter expresses Earl Will's frustration over having to pay a parking ticket which he never saw.
7 Fire washed out Letter from "Twenty Regents Women" expresses anger that they were doused with soapy water by men from Shull and missed the Homecoming Variety Show.
8 Offers 'no penalty' policy
Volker--John Earl (Class of 1969; Future Studies Staff)
Letter suggests that administration should excuse students from classes without penalty so they may attend speeches and similar events without having to leave early to go to class.
9 Panther Duo
Chang--James C. (Chemistry Faculty)
Humorous letter responds to Earl Will's 10/22/68 letter about Panther footprints with three or four toes.
10 Supports general ed. revision and additional electives
Lindberg--John Monson (English Faculty)
Letter expresses support for Howard J. Thompson's desire for revision of general education program, but disagrees with Thompson's stand against black history and literature courses.
11 The real world
Editorial expresses frustration over disruptions during speeches when students must leave for class; suggests speeches are as educational in their own way as classes.
12 The World of the Sparrow and the Hawk
Column protests BA Comps for non-teaching students as unfair, then comments humorously on a wide variety of topics.
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# Article Article Summary
13 Land preparation made for Phys Ed Complex Outdoor complex west of Highway 57 will be used by both men's and women's departments; indoor complex should be under construction by spring.
14 SISEA Thirty-two UNI students and two sponsors will attend the North East Regional meeting of SISEA at Wartburg College today for discussions, speeches, and films.
15 Students start Physics Club Twenty students attended a meeting last week to discuss formation of a physics club.
16 Young Republicans Will meet tonight.
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# Article Article Summary
17 Dr. Potter receives P.E. Award Jeannette Potter received an award from the Iowa Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation for outstanding contributions in the field; brief profile.
18 Graduate English exam given today Graduate Candidacy Examination in English will be given today.
19 Northern Iowans distribute leaflets at Cedar Falls High
Six UNI students handed out leaflets Friday advising the high school students of possible ways to respond to their new dress code.
20 Sales, marketing conference here Conference for sales and marketing managers will be held on November 7 and will be conducted by J. Richard White of 3M.
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# Article Article Summary
21 All students to receive colored ID's All students who are not freshmen or transfer students are requested to stop by the Scheduling Office to turn in old ID cards and get new color cards.
22 Fifty-five to participate in Summer Institute Thirty-nine French teachers will take part in the "Summer Institute in France" program sponsored by UNI June 16 to August 14 next year.
23 Plans dropped for Republican speaker Major candidates all have full schedules and will not be able to appear before the election.
24 Reading Hour to be initiated Speech Department has initiated a Reading Hour, "Words and Voices".
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# Article Article Summary
25 Cross Country team beats South Dakota Panthers gain second win in 20-37 triumph over South Dakota University at Vermilion on Saturday.
26 Panthers lose to Coyotes, Schooley sets three marks Panthers fell out of NCC title race after 13-7 loss against South Dakota.
27 Women open basketball An organizational meeting for women's intracollege basketball is to be held.
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# Article Article Summary
28 Intramural basketball begins first full week Schedules for the gold and purple leagues.
29 Iowan scoreboard College football rankings.
30 Three youthful optimists; meet the Panthers
Profiles of Dick Bergstrom, Rick Hodam, and Roger Jones; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
31 Blind students have 'confidence, courage'
Profiles of three UNI students; profile.
32 Marching 100 to entertain Panther 100 Marching Band will perform November 3 at the Minnesota-Washington NFL game, which will be aired by CBS television.
33 Previews Activities and meetings.
34 Student Peace Committee to sponsor anti-war rally Will hold protest in Seerley Park.
35 VISTA workers to recruit here VISTA recruiting team is on campus this week, led by alumnus Dr. Willard Hoing; description of VISTA activities.