Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Bill proposed to crack down on riots; measure introduced in Iowa Senate; local reaction cited
Wherry--Peg (Class of 1972)
Some legislators believe that university administrators have not acted firmly.
2 Bond plan has mixed reception Governor Ray proposes the authorization of bonds to fund capital improvements.
3 Dixon to visit campus Norman Dixon will present an address and meet with several groups.
4 Election policies told Bob Johnson outlines procedures.
5 King Fund asks gifts
6 Yearbook editors propose magazine Believe old format has outlived its usefulness; propose issuing magazine three times a year.
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# Article Article Summary
7 Bonding issue demands action
Urges students to support bonding proposal.
8 More basis needed for rules
Believes students are oppressed by bureaucracy, with special reference to rules about women's hours.
9 More food lines needed during finals
Students need to be able to get meals quickly during finals.
10 Yearbook failure disguised
Believes yearbook deserves one more chance.
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# Article Article Summary
11 AAUP discuss 'Unionism' Professors discuss history and strategy.
12 Faculty Senate discusses topic of salary increase Call for reorganization of Department of Social Science.
13 Movie to show life in Harlem Will show "Harlem Crusader".
14 Previews Activities and meetings.
15 ROC will hold hearings Will hold platform hearings.
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# Article Article Summary
16 General Ed committee plans faculty preliminary hearings Will hold four meetings to gather information.
17 Speakout #2 to be held Will discuss whether or not UNI is still a teachers college.
18 Work study Needy students may apply.
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# Article Article Summary
19 Controversial Speakers program to feature Bond Julian Bond, Herbert Aptheker, and Saul Alinsky scheduled.
20 Men move into Bender, campus Ritz
About two hundred men move into top four floors; men like new dorm; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
21 Swimmers fourth in Hamline relays Panthers managed a fourth place finish at Hamline University.
22 Untitled
Darrell Jesse's attempt at a basket was knocked out by a rival player; photo.
23 Wrestlers lose first dual
UNI lost to Minnesota, 17-14.
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# Article Article Summary
24 Blue whips Gold in intersquad Blues dominated, 83-57, over the Golds in track intrasquad meet.
25 Coyotes succumb two overtimes; Clausen stars
UNI defeats South Dakota, 99-90, in double overtime.
26 Phys-Ed. Dept. offers conditioning program
27 Women's volleyball set Volleyball is open to any woman interested.