Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Dr. Fox questions "social adaptability"
Fox--Josef W. (Philosophy and Humanities Faculty)
Has questions about motive and meaning.
2 Investigators investigated; student probe
Students turn tables on legislators.
3 Mystery prof winner named Professor Fox is the man.
4 Race play scheduled Will present "Old Judge Mose is Dead".
5 Request Turner legal ruling Representative Doderer wants to know legality of "social adaptability" investigation.
6 UNI puppet show Part of Professor Gogel's class.
7 Untitled Concrete slabs were removed to allow replacement of the sidewalk east of the Union; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
8 "Crisis Line" help sought
Ten have already volunteered.
9 "Let's face it"
Believes people might need to pay for good entertainment.
10 "Prepare for new radicals"
Has reaction to recent performance.
11 Apathy can be habit-forming
Wherry--Peg (Class of 1972)
Urges people to break the unreasonable habit.
12 Ombudsman Questions about proposed third Tower, leaks in Union, and professional sequence.
13 The 4 Apostles Heralding in The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius . . . The Beatles are music playing angels in heaven.
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# Article Article Summary
14 Offers teach ed changes
Lamberti--Joseph F. (Education Faculty)
Professor Lamberti considers possible revision of the professional sequence.
15 Untitled God leaves a sign for America on the moon.
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# Article Article Summary
16 Black youth and student teachers
Oppleman--Dan L. (Education Faculty)
Offers ways of providing sound education to those who need it.
17 Patriotism as a sexual neurosis
Refshauge--Tom (Student--1967)
Offers diagnosis for those who show patriotism.
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# Article Article Summary
18 Experimental design needed; Dr. TePaske interim report Professor TePaske outlines problems and possible solutions.
19 Untitled
Gary Hoff's view of Jesus as a draft counselor.
20 Untitled Jesus Christ wears a peace sign and will assist anyone in need of draft counseling.
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# Article Article Summary
21 The death of capitalism; changing economics
Schrier--William M.
Offers views on the future.
22 Untitled Prospective students and their parents tour the UNI campus; photo.
23 Untitled The Youngtimers performed before UNI students; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
24 "Blithe Spirit" Will end successful run.
25 Business seminar
26 Cloister program
27 Folk singers Will sing in Union.
28 Learning kit used Purposes and effects of Professor Scott's work.
29 Moonlight swim
30 Music camp 148 students will participate in Tallcorn Camp.
31 Potpourri Activities and meetings.
32 Previews Activities and meetings.
33 Teacher aides Professor Dreier has display and demonstration.
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# Article Article Summary
34 Returning to Haunt His Creator
Viet Nam War's bloody American casualties will haunt American buisnessmen getting rich off the war.