Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Pantless Panther? Leader of Student Senate at UNI at SDSU will lose pants as result of football game.
2 Participants in history discussion
3 Present plans for auditoria Committee on Auditoria reveals plans for three units: a coliseum, a fine arts auditorium, and a theater.
4 Rock 'n' roll tonight New York Rock and Roll Ensemble will play.
5 Students vote yearbook change Two-thirds of students voting in referendum favor magazine format; committee appointments; consider use of empty alcoholic beverage containers as decorations in men's dorms.
6 UNI signs state war resolution Joins other colleges and universities in calling for end of war.
7 Untitled Work progressing on widening University Avenue.
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# Article Article Summary
8 Apply Boyd logic to Homecoming
Uses statement by University of Iowa President Boyd on the moratorium to make similar statement about Homecoming.
9 Campus Personality #5 The Apathetic Student
Student's studies block his understanding of world politics and issues.
10 Education board fund achieves new heights
Samson--Patricia Anne
Former student contributes $.10 to blackboard fund.
11 Experienced vet backs moratorium
Knievel--Michael J.
Recounts his experiences with fellow wounded veterans.
12 Forum forgets to include the Indians Donald Kaul's ironic comment on University Forum position.
13 Sore thumb takes stand
Sparks--David G. (Finance Faculty)
Wishes passing students would pick him up as he hitch-hikes.
14 Supports any generation..
Claus--Robert (Sociology Faculty)
Agrees with recent letter.
15 Will help Fox in blackboard battle
Walton--John W. (Physical Plant Staff)
John Walton, of Physical Plant, offers to get blackboard; also offers advice in dealing with administration.
16 Will stand by stickers
Sharp--William P.
Humorous suggestion in reaction to recent rule against displaying old parking stickers.
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17 Money strain makes costly brain drain
Fox--Josef W. (Philosophy and Humanities Faculty)
Professor Fox believes that a true efficiency program would seek ways to make best use of student and faculty brain power.
18 Student dream of private life thwarted
Believes university should not require doors to be unlocked and open when someone is entertaining a member of the opposite sex.
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# Article Article Summary
19 Community assist university; provide transportation
Asks for help in providing transportation of volunteers to Waterloo.
20 Demand right to create own life Local women's liberation group outlines goals, plans, and programs.
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# Article Article Summary
21 Sunseri explains origin of MITLAMP
Sunseri--Alvin Raymond (History Faculty)
Professor Sunseri outlines thesis on war and peace.
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22 Discussion with profs Group of faculty and students discuss campus and larger issues.
23 Homecoming rules set Rules for parade entries, window-painting, and displays.
24 Organizational News Activities and meetings.
25 Strengthen education; AFT aim Goals of AFT.
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26 Dancer Hall shapes up May be open by November 1, or by beginning of second semester.
27 Debate team competes at U of Wisconsin contest Record of four UNI team members who went to Whitewater.
28 Lolita shown tonight
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# Article Article Summary
29 Potpourri Activities and meetings.
30 Psych Lab opens Psych Lab opens in building north of Union; will be used to demonstrate work of psychology; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
31 NCC statistics UNI's Bill Raun opened a wide lead in the North Central Conference passing race.
32 Panthers plan to add to wins Saturday UNI will play the Drake Bulldogs tomorrow.
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33 Basketball team prepares for exciting schedule UNI will open their season on December 1 against Upper Iowa.
34 Home meet Saturday UNI will race against Luther on Saturday.
35 Williams, Goddard lead defense Dan Goddard and John Williams lead UNI in defense.
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36 Men, women participate in intramurals
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# Article Article Summary
37 "Know yourself"; Coleman Excerpts from speech by Claude Coleman.
38 CUE tutoring volunteers meet Waterloo problems Volunteers attend orientation sessions.
39 Moratorium activities listed
40 Previews Activities and meetings.
41 Untitled Sharon Griffin is candidate for those who are dissatisfied with official candidates; photo.