Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 A Concert of Chamber Music to be Presented at UNI To be presented by four UNI musical groups: Madrigals, String Ensembles, Woodwind Ensembles, and Brass Ensembles. Includes list of student members.
2 Architecture Exhibit to Open at UNI "40 under 40, Young Talent in Architecture" exhibit to be displayed at UNI.
3 Fall Student Teaching Assignments Announced Student teaching assignements with listed students.
4 Florida Bay to be Subject of Geology Lecture at UNI Hoff to give an illustrated geology lecture on the Florida Bay.
5 Former President of Peru to Speak Next Week at UNI Fernando Belaunde to discuss "The Future of South American" in Seerley Hall.
6 Former President of Peru to Speak Next Week at UNI Fernando Belaunde to discuss "The Future of South American" in Seerley Hall.
7 Parodies Will be Read at UNI Words and Voices Program Words and Voices program.
8 UNI Prof Wins Music Contest Smalley chosen as regional finals winner in the National Association of Teachers of Singing (NATS).
9 UNI Student to Present Senior Recital Senior recital.