Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 835 stduents named to Dean's List at UNI Dean's List; nine percent of the student body cited for scholastic honors; list of names.
2 Clerical Workshop to be March 25 at UNI Seventh annual Clerical Workshop will be held in the Science Building. Some 500 school clerical workers have been invited to attend. Sponsored by UNI with the Iowa Assocation of Educational Secretaries (IAES).
3 UNI Theatre presents 19th century American theatre this week "An Evening of Ninteenth Century American Theatre" is scheduled to be presented next week by Theatre-UNI. The winter [lay will be presented in the Auditorium.
4 UNI to sponsor cheerleaders workshop The spring one-day workshop for junior and senior high students will be held a the Price Laboratory School. Two hundred students attended a similar conference last fall; summer workshop also planned