Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 A time for love Students walk near Auditorium Building; photo.
4 Regents reject bargaining plea Regents invite Physical Plant workers to make presentation, but will not enter into collective bargaining.
5 Rise in tuition seen by Regents member; Wallace says there is "no alternative" to hike Excerpts from debate; need to meet operating costs.
6 ROC sweeps exec slate and SRP gains 13 senate spots Mike Conlee defeats Sam Dell, 2003-1084, with 160 votes going to Pat Casey.
7 Senior speech recital Sherry Beckman will make presentation.
9 University Forum; campus happenings Will discuss Health Center.
# Article Article Summary
2 Meeting for Iowa reading teachers at Fort Dodge Saturday The Western Iowa Sectional Meeting of the Iowa Council of the International Reading Association (IRA) will be held at Ft. Dodge High School. Professor Ratekin is the president of the group.
3 Pops Concert Thursday at UNI The UNI Symphonic Band and Concert Chorale will appear together at a Pops Concert in Music Hall. Proceeds will go to the UNI Music Scholarship Fund.
8 UNI has two Danforth Graduate Fellowship winners Michael Bennett and James Hoel were selected as winners of the graduate fellowship. The students were selected from 1900 seniors from colleges and universities throughout the United States; biographical information on the two students.
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# Article Article Summary
10 An unpleasant Union acquaintance
Recounts meeting Dean Voldseth in Union.
11 Communication gap causes misconceptions
Believes AWS should take steps to inform students about policies.
12 Legislature to blame
Thies--Brian (Class of 1972)
Believes General Assembly should provide operating expenses and that tuition should not be raised.
13 Student parking facilities need more improvement
Ogden--James Herbert (Class of 1971)
Jim Ogden reports on his work to make parking facilities better.
14 There's a lot of NEW HEADS er,er FACES in the new senate
New Student Senate contains hippies.
15 There's a lot of new heads, er, er, faces in the new senate
Gary Hoff's view of recent election.
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# Article Article Summary
16 Additional comments on hours regulations
Continues debate on AWS and its association with hours for women.
17 Notice on parking issue
Wiesenfeld--Julius (Mathematics Faculty)
Comments on free parking.
18 NSA not representative of American student opinion
Lytle--Peter C. (Class of 1972)
Presents excerpts from recent VFW newsletter.
19 UAB offers apology for computer dance
Some "dates" failed to appear at the dance.
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# Article Article Summary
20 College jazz festival to include UNI band
Sparks--David G. (Finance Faculty)
Will compete at Notre Dame.
21 Maucker receives award at Marycrest ceremonies President Maucker receives honorary doctorate.
22 NAR advocates selling of "conservation bonds" Would finance environmental causes.
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# Article Article Summary
23 Cast announced for "Fantasticks" Will be Music Theatre production.
24 Peace Corps to recruit in Union
25 Small force keeps campus order
Description of security officers' job.
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# Article Article Summary
26 UNI snags 2nd in NCAA tournament UNI placed second at the NCAA tournament.
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# Article Article Summary
27 Intramural schedule announced Results of intramural play and tournaments were announced.
28 Patten honored as president elect by U.S. Wrestling coaches Coach Charles Patten was elected president of the NCAA College Division of the coaches association; photo.
29 Seven records set as trackmen finish seventh in conf. Meet UNI participated in the North Central Conference meet; the team finished seventh, and individually broke seven records.
30 UNI swimmers post first winning season UNI had its first winning season, finishing with an 11-8 record.
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# Article Article Summary
31 Organizational News Activities and meetings.
32 Regents approve housing project Will build 278-unit project; summary of specifications.
33 Untitled Phi Sigma Phi becomes Epsilon Theta chapter of Alpha Phi sorority; photo.