Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 "Fantasticks" returns home for two performances
Sparks--David G. (Finance Faculty)
Have already played at several sites on the road; photo.
2 S. T. O. P. meeting Will hold emergency rally; plan fast for peace.
3 Student Senate passes no hours resolution; creates committee to hold Voldseth referendum Proposal would eliminate hours for freshman women; form ad hoc committee to conduct referendum on confidence in Dean Voldseth.
4 Students interrupt closed hearing--M.B. Smith quits Students want open meetings; Professor Smith states that he believes that it will be impossible to hold a committee meeting on campus at this time.
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# Article Article Summary
5 Hell No, We Won't Go
Students won't back down from the Dean of Students.
6 Hope for peaceful settlement
Thies--Brian (Class of 1972)
Believes neither students nor administration is communicating on the sit-in issue.
7 MRA leaders should speak for themselves
Does not believe leaders speak for him.
8 Sees freshman hours as discrimination
Believes women face discrimination in application of hours.
9 Smith explains resignation
Smith--Miriam B. (Speech Faculty)
Believes that current atmosphere is not conducive to a fair hearing of the issues on the sit-in.
10 Wants non-violent change
Urges civil disobedience, but not threats and violence; believes radicals have taken over as student voice..
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# Article Article Summary
11 Commends senate for progressive resolutions
12 Points up error in Hallberg's facts
Haupt--Shirley Eliason (Art Faculty)
Believes Professor Hallberg mis-read proposal.
13 Responds to Hallberg's reference to Plato
Overland--Carlton Edward (Art Faculty)
Believes Professor Hallberg's arguments are irrelevant.
14 Says history, campus activism repeat
Fox--Josef W. (Philosophy and Humanities Faculty)
Professor Fox considers whether or not the UNI 7 received due process.
15 Says one movement stands out-the power of Christ
Morton--Kevin L.
Urges students to look at Christian movement.
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# Article Article Summary
16 Anthropology Dept. makes book reviews available
Faculty review non-technical books and make reviews available to public.
17 Senior, graduate plan song recital
18 Upward Bound provides help for high potential students
History and description of program.
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# Article Article Summary
19 Dr. Shields to return to San Diego Reappointed professor of philosophy at San Diego State.
20 S. T. O. P. announces April 15 plans Schedule of activities.
21 Theologians converge on UNI for conference Will feature interdisciplinary study of religion and literature.
22 Untitled
Blood drive scene; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
23 Career day here sponsored by IARC
Will feature careers associated with exceptional children.
24 Student Senate business Outline of recent actions.
25 Understanding needed to resolve food service gripes
Looks at costs and meal plans.
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# Article Article Summary
26 English Circle presents Dr. McKean in Embassy
Will speak on literature.
27 Grad students to present film program Art students present series.
28 Organizational News Activities and meetings.
29 Student participation comm. created to enhance unity
Committee seeks greater unity between teachers and students in English Department.
30 Untitled Ric Matson will perform.
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# Article Article Summary
31 Proposed assembly bill pronounces youth "guilty"
General Assembly considers bill to allow local governments to require permit for public assembly.
32 UNI quintet, concert band to perform Program for concert.
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# Article Article Summary
33 Students leaving dorms to seek privacy, quiet off-campus
Students outline their reasons for living in dorms or off-campus.
34 Untitled Scene from "The Fantasticks".
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# Article Article Summary
35 Panther nine on road for three with 'Jacks UNI will play South Dakota State this weekend in a three game set; photo.
36 UNI downs Knights for third straight
UNI beat Wartburg, 9-2; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
37 Cinderman crush Luther in dual UNI beat Luther on Tuesday, 102-43.
38 Duffers drop opener UNI lost to Drake in their season opener, 331-346.
39 Netmen take ninth meet with Mankato victory UNI beat Mankato State on Tuesday, 8-0.
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# Article Article Summary
40 English Dept. offers study tour for fun and credit Will visit British Isles.
41 Untitled
President Maucker and University Attorney Leo Baker at speak-out; photo.