Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 April Moratorium plans Cedar River "tea party" Will re-enact Revolutionary War event.
2 Moratorium march Will march from campus to Island Park.
3 Proclamation
Maucker--James William (President of ISTC--SCI--and UNI)
President Maucker proclaims "Student Faculty Be Kind To Each Other Month".
4 Regents approve UNI construction contracts Contracts include work on PEC.
5 Regents okay '70-'71 budget Summary of estimates for new budget.
6 University Forum; campus happenings Topic is the University and the war.
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# Article Article Summary
7 April movements seek change and improvement
Thies--Brian (Class of 1972)
Supports Moratorium and environmental demonstrations.
8 Conlee to veto Voldseth referendum
Conlee--G. Michael
Outlines both procedural and substantial reasons for veto.
9 Maucker commends and defends deans of students
Maucker--James William (President of ISTC--SCI--and UNI)
President Maucker states that deans are not to blame; they enforce policies with his approval.
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# Article Article Summary
10 Calls senate action "deplorable"
Oliphant--David W. (Classes of 1971 and 1976)
Dislikes attitude of current students.
11 Calls Voldseth rumors "unfair"
Pendergraft--Daryl (Vice President; History Facult
Dean Pendergraft states that Dean Voldseth is merely carrying out policies.
12 They say student vote is at the "wrong time"
Believes Senate acted too quickly.
13 UAB happenings Current schedule of activities.
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# Article Article Summary
14 Organizational News Activities and meetings.
15 Varied problems during Union's first year
McMaster--Susan (Sue)
Brief history of events of first year.
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# Article Article Summary
16 Asian specialist to discuss "South Asia" Ainslie Embree will speak.
17 St. Olaf prof guest lecturer Thomas Rossing will speak on physics.
18 Two UNI professors receive appointments Professor Rhum, formerly acting dean, will be Dean of the Graduate College; Professor Nijim, formerly acting head, will be head of the Department of Geography.
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# Article Article Summary
19 UNI takes 2 of 3 from South Dakota UNI won two games out of three last weekend in a set with South Dakota State; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
20 Dickinson relays feature all-American Carpenter Wayne Carpenter, UNI's All-American, will participate in the Dickinson Relays on Saturday, April 18; photo.
21 Dotson and Clark to be honored Dick Dotson and Dr. James Clark will be honored at the Dickinson Relays.
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# Article Article Summary
22 Arthur Campa here for Pan American day Profile of speaker.
23 California prof to talk on Humanities Kenneth Lash will speak; profile.
24 Regents approve "no hours" for next fall Freshman women will have no hours, so long as parents approve.