Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Campus happenings; summer film session Schedule of films.
2 President Elect Kamerick; returns to Iowa from No. Texas post Dr. Kamerick will assume duties September 1, 1970; biographical profile; photo.
3 Regents appoint Pendergraft acting president of University Dean Pendergraft will serve from July 1 through August 31, 1970; Regents also approve $54,000 remodeling project for President's House.
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# Article Article Summary
4 Accuses UNI of quick judgement
Believes that coverage of President Nixon has been one-sided.
5 Charges faculty with hypocrisy
Murphy--Mervin R.
Critical of faculty for stand on student discipline.
6 Conlee criticized Believes Mike Conlee is supporting the wrong people.
7 Ketter answers student petition on Union pollution
Ketter--John F.(Maucker Union Director)
John Ketter outlines reasons for use of non-recyclable material.
8 Sympathizes with Nixon
Urges President Nixon to pay attention to nation and act accordingly.
9 UNI students should be involved with investigation
Ogden--James Herbert (Class of 1971)
Hopes that students will be involved in investigation of campus disorders.
10 Urges action in S. E. Asia
Urges people to write to their representatives.
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# Article Article Summary
11 Fullbright-Hays awarded student John Marshall Lyon wins award.
12 Open education examined in workshop
13 Seminar in school administration offered Will feature lectures by prominent educators.
14 Urban education gives sensitivity training Workshop aimed at giving understanding of urban areas.
15 Writing service open for summer school students
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# Article Article Summary
16 Thoughts on the lack of mutual understanding among nations
Lee--Key Ton (Education Faculty)
Professor Lee consider US foreign relations.
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# Article Article Summary
17 Directors of media center and educational opportunity chosen Professor Hardman will head Media Center; Mr. Harris will head EOP.
18 Martindale, Froyen, Silvey appointed department heads Professor Martindale will be acting head of Curriculum and Instruction; Professor Froyen will be head of Educational Psychology and Foundations; Professor Silvey will be head of School Administration and Personnel Services.
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# Article Article Summary
19 Citizenship training held by Girl Staters at UNI
Van Dyke--Norma
Description of program and activities; photo.
20 Plaehn receives T & T award Brief sketch of Professor Plaehn; photo.
21 REC swims announced