Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Acting Company for UNI Summer Repertory Theatre

29 people are participating in the Summer Repertory Theatre at UNI; list of actors for the company

2 Regents Appoint Lash to Head Art Department at UNI Effective Sept. 1, 1970; biography of Lash.
3 Regents Approve UNI Environmental Studies Office The office will serve as an agency of communication between UNI and other institutions involved in environmental studies.
4 Regents Authorize UNI to Lease Land for Coal Stockpiling UNI has authority to lease land in downtown Cedar Falls from the Chicago and Northwestern Railway Co. for stockpiling coal. Additionally, student teaching contracts between UNI and two area community colleges has been approved.
5 Regents Hear Progress Report on UNI Minority Center Three students assistances are working in the summer and are making plans for initiating fund raising projects for equipment needed for the center. The center will be located in a house formally occupied by the UNI vice president for academic affairs.
6 UNI Innovations in Education Workshop to be Held July 13-24 23 educators are scheduled to participate in the workshop, which is being held offered by the UNI education department; list of participants