Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 "Words and Voices" Program Scheduled for Feb. 9 "Words and Voices" will present readings from the works of poety Karl Shapiro on Feb. 9 in the Union.
2 Charles Goodell to Appear on UNI Controversal Speakers Program Goodell, a former U.S. senator from New York, will be speaking on Feb. 9 at 8 p.m. in the Men's Gym.
3 Chartered Life Undrwriter Course Being Offered at UNI "Life Insurance Law and Company Operations" is being taught Tuesdays in Room 102, Seerley Hall.
4 Cutline 32 insurance men from the metro area took the Chartered Life Underwriters (CLU) professionl examination recently.
5 Dr. Holmes to Meet with Continuing Education Group Dr. Mavis Holmes will be a guest at a luncheon scheduled on Feb. 10 in the Colombian Room of the Union.
6 Garrick Ohlsson to Appear on UNI Artists Series Concert pianist Garrick Ohlsson will be the fourth attraction on the UNI Artists Series program on Feb. 10-11 in the Auditorium.
7 UNI Prof to Speak on Traditional Grammar Dr. Stageberg will present the lecture, "The Scandal of Traditional Grammar" in the Union on Feb. 9.
8 UNI Receives Grant for "Harvard Project Physics" A $33,114 grant from the National Science Foundation has been allocated to the UNI "Project Physics" program. The program's goal is to revive inerest in the study of physics among high school stduents.