Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Alvin Alley American Dance Theatre to Appear at UNI The Alvin Alley American Dance Theatre will appear at UNI in the Auditorium on Feb. 25-26 as the fourth attraction on the Artists Series Program.
2 Alvin Alley American Dance Theatre to Appear at UNI The company of 15 racially mixed dancers will appear Feb. 25 and 26 in the Auditorium.
3 Cast for "The Clouds" Announced Aristophanes' "The Clouds" will be presented by Theatre UNI March 17-20; cast list
4 Regents Approve Leave of Absence for UNI Faculty Members 15 UNI faculty members have been approved for leave of absence; list
5 Regents Approve Steps to Meet UNI Residence Hall Debt Service Deficit A shortfall of $180,000 will be addressed by increasing charges by $90,000 and by reducing expenditures by $90,000.
6 Two UNI Students to Present Music Recital Ruth Lyon and Ronald Jung will present a series of student recitals on Feb. 16 in Music Hall.
7 UNI Appoints Two Vice-Presidents in Administrative Restructuring Move Dr. Voldseth becomes vice president for university relations and development, while Dr. Hansmeier will act as vice president for student services and special assisant to the president. Both appointment become effective Sept. 1.
8 UNI Poetry Hour UNI Poetry Hour will be presented on Feb. 16 in the Ambassador Room of the Union.
9 UNI Prof to Speak at Conference Dr. Harper will participate in a Midcontinent Conference on Parks and Recreation scheduled to be held Monday through Thursday, Feb. 15-18 at Iowa State University.