Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Cutlines 1. Robertson is in his NBC tour guide uniform giving a tour. 2. Robertson (front) is shown during a rehearsal of a 1967 UNI production. 3. Robertson shows this picture, along with his resume, to countless directors and producers when he auditions.
2 UNI Chemistry Department Receieves National Science Foundation Grant The grant will be used for the continuation of a project that was started in 1970. The project's aim is to improve instruction in chemistry at 13 two-year colleges in the region.
3 UNI Grad Works Toward Theatre Career Michael Robertson who graduated from UNI in 1968 has found a job as an NBC tour guide showing visitors the workings of a major television network, while he awaits for his big break on Broadway.
4 UNI Orchestra to Tour March 2-3 The UNI Orchestra will perform six concerts on a two-day tour of Central and Northeastern Iowa on March 2nd and 3rd.