Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Dr. Vander Beek selected as a leader of Am. Secondary education Professor Vander Beek honored.
2 Job prospects looking up; Placement Bureau claims
Professor Fossum reports on improvement in placement rates.
3 Neu stresses need for UNI representation on board of Regents
Bancroft--Craig M. (Class of 1973)
Senator Neu believes that a UNI alumnus on the Board could help UNI get a better share of funding; photo.
4 Untitled The Association will perform at Homecoming; photo.
5 Untitled Students receive Lester Boerm Scholarship; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
6 'We could all have a funeral to attend'
Believes Faculty Senate acted hastily in voting down Skip Day.
7 Shame on poster removers
Ogden--Ginger Lee
Would like students to leave posters so that all can read them.
8 Stamp proposes major clubs
Stamp--Keith L. (Classes of 1972--1975--1979 and 1994)
Would like each department to establish club for majors in that department.
9 Student wants finals before X-mas break
Advantages of plan.
10 Visitors vs. the home team Disagrees with installation of parking meters which allow for convenient, but short-term parking.
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# Article Article Summary
11 Evers gives philosophy behind meters
Pershall--Mary K. (Class of 1973)
Mr. Evers explains need for parking meters.
12 ISPIRG, Highland appear at UNI
ISPIRG may organize on campus.
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# Article Article Summary
13 "The most ambitious project of student organization ever; Nader & company strike again Explanation of ISPIRG organization.
14 UNI art curriculum receives national recognition Professor Lash publishes paper.
15 Which are you zing, zang, or zong? Professor Hantula publishes article on social science curriculum.
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# Article Article Summary
16 'Entertaining is name of game' for Association Profile of singing group The Association.
17 UAB schedule set
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# Article Article Summary
18 Panthers win opener 23-0; defense spearheads victory UNI defeated the University of South Dakota on Saturday, 23-0, in their NCC opener; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
19 Flag football play begins Intramurals begin play on Wednesday.
20 It's 3-0 in the rain UNI beat Iowa State, 3-0, last Saturday; photo.
21 Judo Club set for '71 Judo Club will meet this school year.
22 Twedt sets mark UNI finished third in their season opener last Friday.
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# Article Article Summary
23 Organization News Activities and meetings.
24 Pre-Law Club Will meet and plan for year.
25 UNI Historical Association Professor Cheng will speak on President Nixon's visit to China.