Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 "Kaleidoscope" is Theme of UNI's Fiftieth Homecoming Homecoming events for the 50th annual event.
2 Dr. Gault to Present Recital at UNI Dr. Joyce Gault will present a piano recital on Oct. 24 in Music Hall.
3 Dr. Hahn to Present Organ Recital at UNI Dr. Hahn will present an organ recital Oct. 26 in Music Hall.
4 Prospective Teacher Day to be Held at UNI 1971 Prospective Teacher Day to be held Nov. 2 at UNI.
5 Prospective Teacher Day to be Held at UNI 1971 Prospective Teacher Day to be held Nov. 2 at UNI.
6 UNI Poety Hour Poetry Hour will feature Loren Taylor on Oct. 26.
7 UNI Prof to Participate in Seattle Conference Dr. Harper will be a discussion leader at the Quadrennial Conference of Camp Fire Girls, being held Oct. 30 through Nov. 2.
8 UNI Prof to Speak at University of Puerto Rico Roy Chung will lead a special seminar fro the University of Puerto Rico geography department.
9 UNI Symphonic Band Officers Announced Elected for 1971-72 according to Dr. Holvik. First concert will be with the Concert Chorale on Nov. 7 in Music Hall.
10 UNI to Host Early Childhood Education Conference The third annual event will be held Nov. 6 at UNI; schedule of day's events.
11 UNI to Host Early Childhood Education Conference The third annual event will be held Nov. 6 at UNI.
12 UNI to Sponsor Summer Institute in Spain for Teachers of Spanish Planning for the summer of 1972 according to Adolfo Franco. The program is being sponsored by the UNI Department of Foreign Languages.