Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Dr. N. Borlaug on campus in February Norman Borlaug will speak; outline of his views.
2 From jock to journalist; Northern Iowan under new editorship
Profile of Steve Gibbons; photo.
3 Pre-Christmas semester meets opposition from faculty
After debate, the matter is sent to the full faculty without a recommendation.
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# Article Article Summary
4 A bad habit?
Tired of Peg Wherry.
5 Coed is upset by faculty 'buck-passing'
Finds only disorder in Faculty Senate consideration of modifying semester calendar.
6 Local AFT urges students to organize to oppose Dr. Martin's policies States that matters important to students will not be important in Provost Martin's plans for tenure standards.
7 Ping pong player desires a sense of community
8 Prof wonders if education really does come first
Wiesenfeld--Julius (Mathematics Faculty)
Professor Wiesenfeld is critical of Provost Martin's plans.
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# Article Article Summary
9 Elementary Russian I to be offered in the spring Professor Jamosky will teach.
10 Finals schedule
11 Grade system has flaws
Fox--Josef W. (Philosophy and Humanities Faculty)
Professor Fox explains his difficulty with graduate grade standards and the way that they are calculated.
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# Article Article Summary
12 Health center adopts classes in contraception Allen Hospital staff member will offer classes.
13 Health center fees may rise
14 Students condemn advising program Outline of survey results relating to academic advising.
15 Untitled
Taylor--George W.
Students display work while walking around.
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# Article Article Summary
16 Probation aid course offered in February Could lead to work with juvenile offenders.
17 Rep. Hansen employs Cedar Falls liaison; communication link to Des Moines Liaison will keep regular office hours on campus.
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# Article Article Summary
18 Wrestlers romp over Moorhead: 43-3; Panthers drop only one match UNI defeated Moorhead State on Monday, 43-3; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
19 Athletes of the week
20 Sports happenings List of upcoming sporting events at UNI.
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# Article Article Summary
21 Delta Chi List of new officers.
22 Organizational News Activities and meetings.
23 Political Science Club New group will hold get-acquainted party.
24 Student attitude blamed for unsuccessful concerts
Niceswanger--Alan Lowell (Class of 1974)
Outlook bleak for future concerts.