Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 $480,000 added to starting base for 1973-75 appropriations Robert Stansbury demonstrates that a similar sum had been lost to UNI due to underestimation of enrollment over the last ten years.
2 Coed housing given OK Experiment in living will take place in Dancer Hall.
3 Regents approve preliminary budget Preliminary budget for UNI is $17.4 million.
4 Senator Miller culminates Pan-Am week
Pershall--Mary K. (Class of 1973)
Excerpts from Senator Miller's speech; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
5 A misleading editorial
Miller--Dennis D.
Addresses errors and ambiguities in recent article.
6 Go to N. Y. for peace
7 Hansen talks of UNI's appropriations Willard Hansen is pleased that the Regents have recognized UNI's needs.
8 IORB poll results Spring promises to be quiet.
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# Article Article Summary
9 First lectureship endowment announced Extensive quotes from Professor Robinson, who will deliver the first lecture in the series.
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# Article Article Summary
10 Twenty miles; for the March of Dimes
Jensen--Paul W.
Scenes from the fundraiser; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
11 Gay Liberation Front Sponsoring campout at Backbone State Park.
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# Article Article Summary
12 "Summer's here, and the time is right, for dancing in the streets.."
Bodnar--Edward W. (Class of 1974)
Students dance on Union; photo.
13 Regents approve leaves for 12 faculty members List of faculty and their topics of research.
14 Science and religion symposium theme is "the future of man" Symposium program.
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# Article Article Summary
15 Der Deutsche Verein Professor Koppensteiner will show films.
16 Organizational News Activities and meetings.
17 Regents grant tenure to 36 faculty members List of those receiving tenure.
18 Regional ISEA conference here Wed. Brief program.
19 Untitled Students dance on Union; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
20 'Art and sexuality' festival; poet claims new poetry more erotic Excerpts from speech by John Perrault.
21 Leitsch tells it like it is; homosexuality
Dick Leitsch offers views on homosexuality.
22 Women's libber Kennedy explains role of art in oppression
Excerpts for speech by Florynce Kennedy; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
23 Engineering service proposal approved by Regents Will contract for consultant on campus utilities.
24 NBS films to be shown by physics department Will show films on metric system and on sound.
25 Oceanography course to be offered in summer session CSCU consortium will offer course.
26 UNI faculty members receive promotions List of those receiving promotions.
27 Untitled Scene from "Charlie Brown".
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# Article Article Summary
28 Batmen sweep twinbill at SDSU; diamond men scheduled to test Iowa twice today at Iowa City UNI beat South Dakota State University in a doubleheader; face Iowa today.
29 Golfers win UNI Invitational UNI won Saturday's Panther Invitational.
30 Panther netmen win three to run winning string to 6 UNI beat Parsons, 5-4.
31 Trackmen led by Roloff to triangular victory
Bodnar--Edward W. (Class of 1974)
UNI defeated Mankato State and Loras College in a triangular meet; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
32 Untitled
Bodnar--Edward W. (Class of 1974)
Tennis player Theresa Roth; photo.