Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 'Save our food service'; they "saved" it
Plans to cancel weekend food service at Campbell Hall set aside after protest.
2 725 students to receive recognition at tomorrow's honors convocation Professor Porter will speak.
3 Free school info available at alternatives booth
Alternative Placement Center booth will be set up in Union.
4 ITT investigative reporter speaks tomorrow Britt Hume will speak.
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# Article Article Summary
5 A Bender resident expresses his side
Points out problems with closing weekend food service in Campbell Hall.
6 End the sex discrimination Should not have separate faculty clubs for men and women.
7 Freedom from exercise for women
A modest proposal regarding the proposed closing of weekend food service in Campbell Hall.
8 What's wrong with the university?
Points out problems with plan to cut weekend meal service at Campbell Hall.
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# Article Article Summary
9 Competition for overseas study
10 Introduction to France offered Professor Walther will offer one-hour course.
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# Article Article Summary
11 Summer extension courses scheduled around state Will teach twenty-six classes at fourteen locations.
12 Untitled Theatre UNI will present "Catch-22".
13 Visiting profs assume summer courses Joseph Appleyard, David Cohen, and David Wee will teach.
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# Article Article Summary
14 Chaucer scholar to visit Jerome Taylor will speak.
15 Concert Chorale performance tonight Concert program.
16 Foreign language exams to be given
17 Gov. Ray visits campus Saturday for address Will speak at industrial arts fair.
18 Poppendieck speaks at National Field Services conference today Seventy-five deans and directors will attend.
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# Article Article Summary
19 'Catch 22' opens tomorrow Play preview.
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# Article Article Summary
20 Phi Sigma Epsilon elects officers List of new officers.
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# Article Article Summary
21 Campus Crusade for Christ Will hold picnic.
22 Der Deutsche Verein Will hold spring festival.
23 Industrial Arts Club Will elect officers.
24 International Relations Club Will show film.
25 Organizational News Activities and meetings.
26 Phi Alpha Theta Will install new members and elect new officers.
27 Words and Voices Will read work which shows impact of Depression.
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# Article Article Summary
28 Crucial twinbill with Mankato today in run for title UNI will play Mankato State today in a doubleheader; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
29 Tracksters tuneup for NCC with fifth at DeKalb, Ill. UNI finished fifth at the Northern Illinois meet; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
30 Luther ends netmen's streak but Panthers win two more UNI lost to Luther College, ending their winning streak.
31 Super star Hatchett declared ineligible Joe Hatchett has been declared ineligible for the 1972-73 season.
32 Two star C.F. preps sign letters for UNI Two Cedar Falls prep stars signed letters of intent with UNI.