Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 History of women Professor McIntosh will speak at a conference and at Upper Iowa University.
2 Johnson: "Last evidence"
Joachim--Pat (Class of 1976)
Excerpts from speech by Nicholas Johnson; photo.
3 RHA meeting Bike storage procedures explained.
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# Article Article Summary
4 Opportunity knocks
Hearst--James Schell (Student--1918; English Faculty)
Professor Hearst supports Jon Crews for mayor.
5 Right to inveigle?
Wiesenfeld--Julius (Mathematics Faculty)
Professor Wiesenfeld continues argument with Ron Peterson over conservative vs. liberal values.
6 UNI-Dome: money, money, money
Volgarino--James R. (Class of 1974; Industrial Technology Faculty)
History of fund-raising efforts thus far.
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# Article Article Summary
7 Artsy investment
Shickman--Allan R. (Art Faculty)
Professor Shickman cites example of appreciation in value of art in UNI collection.
8 CDC presents platform
Calls for close look at UNI-Dome project.
9 Crews called dedicated, honest
Eiklor--John Leonard (History Faculty)
Professor Eiklor supports Jon Crews.
10 Federman--no Nobel, he
Chabert--Henri L. (Modern Language Faculty)
Professor Chabert believes it is clear that Raymond Federman is not a Nobel Prize winner.
11 UNI-Dome open discussion today Engineer David Geiger will speak at forum.
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# Article Article Summary
12 "The Lessons of Vietnam"; former Vietnamese officer speaks on Tran Van Dinh will speak; photo.
13 Art show Union show features work by Gary Jenks.
14 Kamerick clarifies AP story President Kamerick attempts to clarify issues relating to dome financing and usage.
15 Lily Tomlin Will perform.
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# Article Article Summary
16 Federman: take it or leave it New York's Dr. Raymond Federman entertained with lectures, readings, and talks; photo.
17 Regents approved two-year calendar Regents approve pre-Christmas fall calendars for 1974-1975 and 1975-1976.
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# Article Article Summary
18 African eclipse program Tom Wagner will put on show at Museum.
19 Alpha Gamma Delta List of new pledges and initiates.
20 Astronomy Club Will hold organizational meeting.
21 CIRUNA Will hold meeting for those involved in United Nations Day.
22 Words and Voices Carl Jenkins will read short stories.
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# Article Article Summary
23 $20, 000 worth A new fountain/sculpture has appeared on campus; photo.
24 Need nature guides
Carel--Barbara J. (Class of 1975)
Conservation Club will lead trips through local parks.
25 Social work conference
Conference wrap-up.
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# Article Article Summary
26 "Insects" leads off Theatre UNI; costuming creates "theatrical adventure"
Le Beau--Carol
Description of costuming.
27 "Insects" leads off Theatre UNI; five productions for '73-'74 Schedule of productions.
28 Film on Taiwan
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# Article Article Summary
29 Constitutional amendments
Text of amendments.
30 Psychological "verismo"; music theater presents Preview of "The Saint of Bleecker Street:.
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# Article Article Summary
31 Art or porno?
Will present series of controversial film.
32 Heavy "Gypsy" here Thursday
Profile of the band.
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# Article Article Summary
33 Harriers to Wisconsin . . . minus top runners
Panthers forced to compete without Rich Twedt and Jamie Van Nostrand due to mononucleosis.
34 Hockey team hosts Iowa, Luther
Joachim--Pat (Class of 1976)
Panthers hope to add two wins to their season record.
35 Panthers return to NCC play; face winless Morningside
Lyle--Stanley P. (Classes of 1974 and 1981; Library Faculty)
UNI prepares to battle Morningside for an opportunity to advance in NCC rankings.
36 Ruggers host DM
UNI faces "toughest challenge," Des Moines.
37 Untitled Steve Miller and fellow Penelope House members attempt to defeat Clarke House; photo.
38 Woodley named NCC player of week Senior Mike Woodley honored as the NCC Defensive Player of the Week.
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# Article Article Summary
39 Clarke over Penelope
Scheer--Douglas A. (Classes of 1976 and 1978)
Clarke House wins a playoff spot.
40 MacTaggart surprise; freshman one of top runners
An interview with freshman runner Steve MacTaggart; photo.
41 Wrestling begins Practice for the 1973-74 wrestling team is underway.