Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Christmas concert Wind Ensemble and Women's Chorus will perform.
2 VanNostrand for cut backs
Joachim--Pat (Class of 1976)
Maurice VanNostrand speaks on energy shortage; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
3 Get your (ride) together NI will offer free classified ads for car pools.
4 Honors program blasted; is it really dishonor?
Peterson--Ronald A. (Classes of 1969 and 1974)
Finds some good in program, but much that is wrong, too.
5 Thanks from UNI-CUE! Thanks to those who helped get the UNI-CUE program under way.
6 YAF's oppose student fees
Anderson--John T.
Believes students should have direct voice in expenditures.
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# Article Article Summary
7 A. Bierce is Dead
8 Apathy? Not here!
Cramer--William L.
Urges students to attend University Council on Religious Activities.
9 Bookstore meeting tonight at 7 p.m. Organizational meeting for a student bookstore.
10 No explanation yet?
Tulasiewicz--Jan Bruno (Economics Faculty)
Professor Tulasiewicz awaits an answer.
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# Article Article Summary
11 Accept proposal; Food Service Administration Rules for distribution of information about upcoming events.
12 Summer Institute gets good marks Quick review of report on institute.
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# Article Article Summary
13 Autumn leaves us . . .
"Shami Deguzman, a UNI junior from Hawaii, reminds us of the milder autumn weather as she rests in a meadow of leaves"; photo.
14 Guests from Bogota Colombian delegation will be here.
15 Rural poverty problem Jerry Stockdale talks about his research.
16 Sunseri to lecture Will speak in Wisconsin.
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# Article Article Summary
17 Profs write centennial; Lang and Pendergraft collaborate
Professors Lang and Pendergraft talk at length about their centennial history; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
18 "Saturday morning" Film will be shown in residence halls.
19 Better notes and typing Department of Business Education and Office Administration offers note-taking and typing classes.
20 Veteran's Club Purposes of the organization.
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# Article Article Summary
21 Dick Tuck ventures to UNI; renowned political humorist Profile of Dick Tuck; photo.
22 Transactional analysis Religious centers will offer course.
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# Article Article Summary
23 Energy task force forms
Stansbury--Robert Dale (Vice President)
Members named; will consider appropriate means to meet demands of energy shortages.
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# Article Article Summary
24 Committee vacancies Opportunities for student service.
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# Article Article Summary
25 Has strong ideas for Psych department; new Psych head
Detailed profile of Professor Gilgen; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
26 "Virginia Woolf" Preview of the play; photo.
27 CLU course Professor Evenson will teach in-service course.
28 New chairman U 'n I fund Glenn Boysen will replace Marvin Klepfer.
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# Article Article Summary
29 Intramural playoffs Intramural basketball playoffs to be held next week.
30 Radech second in diving; swimmers respectable in Big Eight meet
Le Beau--Carol
Mike Radech and Ward Faust lead the Panthers with their fourth place finish.
31 Three Panthers cop championship; Iowa, UNI dominate meet
Scheer--Douglas A. (Classes of 1976 and 1978)
Members from UNI's and Iowa's wrestling teams dominate the UNI Invitational; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
32 Injury-plagued year for harriers; Twedt, Peters All-American status
Panthers finish a "difficult year" with 4-2 record and many other honors.
33 The "new" Panthers open tonight; host Wisconsin State-Stevens Point
Lyle--Stanley P. (Classes of 1974 and 1981; Library Faculty)
Panthers open their season with a new coach.
34 Untitled Heavyweight Randy Omvig battles to win the championship title; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
35 Chance Chance will perform at UNI; photo.
36 Hockey team ends 6-3-1
Joachim--Pat (Class of 1976)
A review of the women's field hockey season.
37 Untitled UNI's new mascot makes its first appearance at the UNI Invitational wrestling meet; photo.
38 Women's basketball
Joachim--Pat (Class of 1976)
UNI opened its season with a win over Mt. Mercy.