Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Controversial Speakers contract Grand Dragon
Freiberg--Karen (Class of 1974)
William Chaney scheduled to speak.
2 Gift to science Local gem and mineral group gives $100 to Earth Science Department.
3 Hearing Aid Service available for those who want to talk about problems.
4 Investment Corp. Sheldon J. Gitelman will speak
5 Piano concert Alfred Brendel will perform.
6 Wind Ensemble Will host Mid-American Intercollegiate Band.
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# Article Article Summary
7 Policy is made to revive streak?
Cawelti--Gerald Scott (Classes of 1965 and 1968; English Faculty)
Believes that the risk will encourage streaking.
8 Regents explain tuition stance
Petersen--Mary Louise
Regents will attempt to relate tuition levels with true costs.
9 Streaker questions new administration policy
Believes punishment for streaking is silly.
10 Wiesenfeld starts again with answers
Wiesenfeld--Julius (Mathematics Faculty)
Professor Wiesenfeld outlines views on Viet Nam War, Israel, and the Middle East.
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# Article Article Summary
11 'Exorcist' not just gut level shocker
Strongly disagrees with recent reviews.
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# Article Article Summary
12 Poetry Camille Hogan will read from Karl Shapiro.
13 Regents approve UNI business transactions Will remodel Baker 59 for Individual Studies office.
14 Softball Intramural organizational meeting scheduled.
15 Speaking Professor Roberts will speak on communes.
16 Veterans Local Army Reserve unit needs recruits.
17 Walkathon Phi Beta Lambda will sponsor event.
18 What's Up?? Activities and meetings.
19 Young Democratic Club List of new officers.
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# Article Article Summary
20 "That ten ton hunk of tree"; art student carves memorial sculpture
John Faust talks about his sculpture and his plans for life; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
21 Religion: something in it for everyone
Le Beau--Carol
Faculty members talk about the Department of Philosophy and Religion; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
22 Golf Panthers head to Atlanta, Georgia, for some practice before heading to a triangular meet in Indiana.
23 Tennis Panthers leave for an eight day, twelve meet trip.
24 Track Panthers travel to Louisiana for eight days.
25 UNI baseball season to open 36-game schedule Panthers travel to Texas and Oklahoma to start their season.
26 Untitled Panther football players begin spring practice; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
27 Debate first! Finish first in six-state meet; photo.
28 Upcoming theater revue filled with nostalgia Performance preview.