Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 'Panther Pride' invites questions
Le Beau--Carol
New forum will replace "Koffee with Kamerick"; will bring administrators together to talk with students.
2 El. ed. conference scheduled
Larson--E. Anne (Class of 1975)
W. James Popham will speak; photo.
3 Format changes for KCRS
Moravec--Jeff (Class of 1977)
Description of programming and facilities of KCRS; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
4 A. Bierce is Dead
5 Here is a way to be heard.. Applauds Kilmer suit; urges students to continue constructive protest.
6 UNI-Dome: a pretty package and a ninety-day warranty
Questions UNI priorities in construction of Dome in time of other serious needs.
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# Article Article Summary
7 Advocates getting free tickets today for game
Drewelow--S. David
Urges students to demand free football game tickets.
8 Jodee's role questioned
Ritchie--Verna Ford (Library Faculty)
Professor Ritchie asks what kind of minister Jodee Rottler is.
9 Plastics conservation saves on oil resources
Suggests alternatives to use of plastic.
10 Student voices opinion of Dome
Believes university was less than honest in changes in athletic ticket policies.
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# Article Article Summary
11 Forensics workshop Will present one-day workshop for coaches and debaters.
12 Prof presents films Professor Haman presents nature films at Museum.
13 Register Monday Voter registration available in Union; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
14 Albrecht to travel Will be part of NCA evaluation team.
15 Profs co-author articles Professors Litwiller and Duncan write thirty articles in recent years; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
16 'She stoops . . . ' previewed
Description of stage and costumes.
17 Drama conference Four hundred students and teachers expected to attend.
18 Voter registration League of Women Voters will be on campus.
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# Article Article Summary
19 A Sports Column
Paxton--David A. (Class of 1976)
Appreciates intramural officials.
20 Golfers in Mid-American classic
Drewelow--S. David
UNI will compete in the Mid-American classic this weekend.
21 Harriers vs. Air Force, Drake UNI will participate in triangular meet with Air Force and Drake College this Saturday.
22 Panthers prepare for Mankato UNI will play Mankato State tomorrow night in its conference opener.
23 Untitled Beth Stock prepares to serve; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
24 Cave exploration Union offers class.
25 French Club Will hold organizational meeting.
26 French students Looking for students to work with elementary school children.
27 Kappa Delta Pi Will meet.
28 Leisure services Will discuss required recreational courses.
29 Religion colloquium Will hold discussion.
30 Social Work Club Will hold organizational meeting.
31 What's Up? Activities and meetings.
32 Words and Voices Will read from Ken Kesey.