Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Beauty destroyed
Marshall--Trula Cox
Poem about elm destruction; elm sculpture finished; photo.
2 New $7 million goal restores Dome plans Will attempt to raise an additional $1.1 million to equip structure as originally planned; will counteract effects of inflation; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
3 A hard-earned diploma Helene Simpson Bellis completes degree thirty-four years after taking first class.
4 Prof chairs NCA team Professor Dreier is associate chair for elementary schools for NCA.
5 Regents review Approve M. A. in anthropology and TEFL; B. A. in anthropology, linguistics, religion, general studies; minors in coaching women's sports, planetarium education, linguistics; cooperative program in nursing.
6 Sunshine semester Student studies near Towers "mushrooms".
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# Article Article Summary
7 Auditing rates reduced by half Auditing class will cost $25 per credit hour.
8 Government eases loan limits Students may now borrow up to $2000 for school year.
9 Kamerick initiates bimonthly forums Open forum replaces Koffee with Kamerick.
10 Non-teaching job vacancies listed Placement Office will produce weekly list.
11 Second alumni tour visits sunny Hawaii Twenty-two alumni and family members make trip.
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# Article Article Summary
12 Can a banner year bring people back? Professor Howard Jones analyzes reasons for decline in attendance in Artists Series; looks forward to this season's program; photo.
13 Europe on five pastries a day
Justis--Nancy A. Ross (Sports Information Staff)
Student recalls experiences of studying cooking in France; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
14 A new role for parents, too Students and parents participate in Preview UNI, new student orientation program; photo.
15 Grant aids look at state's past PLS receives grant to develop and distribute new Iowa history materials.
16 Students vote amnesty issue 50% of polled UNI students favor unconditional amnesty for Viet Nam draft evasion, according to Veterans Club survey.
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# Article Article Summary
17 UNI-CUE: under all the glitter is real gold New building dedicated; description of programs offered; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
18 Admission fee charged Financing of UNI-Dome means that students, for the first time, will be charged admission to athletic events
19 Something old, something new Band displays new uniforms along with uniforms of the past; photo.
20 Strong offense sets early season pace Early season team analysis.
21 Study places UNI in top 10 UNI ranks seventh in college division sports in newly-developed sports rating system.