Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Clerical women sue university
Le Beau--Carol
Phyllis Gohman and Pauline Christensen bring suit in federal court alleging discriminatory practices against women; photo.
2 Renowned jazzers featured at UNI Bud Bribois and Phil Wilson will be guest soloists with SDIJ show; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
3 Attorney General questions UNISA Attorney General questions standing of UNISA as a governmental body.
4 Critical-verite
Moravec--Jeff (Class of 1977)
Review of Disney's "Fantasia".
5 Library hours are listed for spring semester '75
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# Article Article Summary
6 Cada returns Alumnus James Cada will star in "The Diary of a Madman"; photo.
7 Profs present workshops Professors Wilson and Rider will present energy workshops.
8 Tallcorn jazz Friday Members of thirty-two high school bands will be on campus.
9 UNISA bills passed
Barnes--David T. (Class of 1984)
Bills ask for university assistance with career choice.
10 Washington tour Will spend spring break in Washington, D. C.
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# Article Article Summary
11 The library features experience in comfort
Freiberg--Karen (Class of 1974)
Donald Rod describes the services and facilities of the Library after the completion of Unit II; cost was $4.5 million; capacity of 700,000 volumes; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
12 "Shakespeare on film"
Le Beau--Carol
Professor Kalmar talks about the new course which will feature eight film versions of Shakespeare's plays.
13 Campus shorts Jazz Band recordings from 1970-1973 available; Professor Sunseri publishes article on book reviews; Professor Wohl publishes article on American Puritanism.
14 Degrees conferred 396 students eligible for degrees.
15 Snarfelling featured
Sparks--David G. (Finance Faculty)
Union will sponsor series of outdoor activities.
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# Article Article Summary
16 A Sports Column
Paxton--David A. (Class of 1976)
The difficulties of coaching.
17 Iowa dumps UNI J.V.'s UNI lost to Iowa on Saturday, 69-62.
18 Panther tankers win twice
Le Beau--Carol
UNI beat Mankato State and North Dakota University last Saturday, 82-29 and 87-26, respectively.
19 Record performances pace women swimmers Panthers Ann Foss and Carol Le Beau broke records at a meet last Saturday.
20 Women drop three UNI lost three games to ISU and Luther College.
21 Wrestlers perfect in three meets; Cal Poly visits here tonight UNI has won three meets straight, will face Cal Poly tonight.
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# Article Article Summary
22 Girl Scout cookie time Campus scouts selling cookies.
23 Judo Club Spring registration drive.
24 New film society Organizing Northern Iowa Film Society.
25 Orchesis Invites interested participants.
26 Panhellenic Council Sponsoring informal rush.
27 Poetry Hour Professor Cahill will read T. S. Eliot.
28 Skiing Downhill skiing seminar.
29 Speech faculty convene Professors Hall, Wood, and Williams participate in meeting in Chicago.
30 Student teaching On-campus orientation.
31 What's Up? Activities and meetings.
32 What's Up? Activities and meetings.