Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Last chance
Students rush to make last-minute schedule changes; photo.
2 New majors will pioneer specialties
Professor Amend talks about the Individual Studies and General Studies programs.
3 Regents approve business items Approve budget items for flooring, seating, and roof fabric; also approve remodeling project for Physics Building and new track for PLS.
4 Senate holds vote, confidence UNISA sponsors vote of confidence on Vice President Hansmeier.
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# Article Article Summary
5 A. Bierce is Dead
Likes new library.
6 Cricket learns another lesson
The goals of education.
7 It is time to think of running
Urges students to run for offices in UNISA and RHA.
8 UNISA begins budget hearings
Paterson--Jerry B. (Class of 1975)
Notifies students that their organizations need to file with UNISA for recognition.
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# Article Article Summary
9 Classes should close before over-crowding
Dislikes practice, when a section is crowded, of starting new sections with a new instructor and different books.
10 Food prices rise slightly
Freiberg--Karen (Class of 1974)
Comparison of food prices in local grocery stores.
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# Article Article Summary
11 Drug program undertaken College of Education receives $78,000 grant.
12 KCRS needs jocks
13 Sexuality program slated Weekend program planned.
14 WRA "Pool Play" Water recreation every Monday.
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# Article Article Summary
15 "Jazz XXV" now Tickets still available for SDIJ.
16 Day brings Willa Cather to UNI
Moravec--Jeff (Class of 1977)
Professor Day will offer course on Willa Cather.
17 Ensemble to perform Wind Ensemble will perform six concerts in next week.
18 ISU prof offers zoology Beginning of exchange program; Professor Wilson will teach at ISU.
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# Article Article Summary
19 Esther Williams they're not, but . . . .
Women's swim team; photo.
20 Injuries down gymnasts
Joachim--Pat (Class of 1976)
UNI team plagued by injuries, hampers performances; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
21 Cagers out for NCC victory UNI will play North Dakota State on Friday and North Dakota Saturday night.
22 Cal Poly nips Panther wrestlers; matches close but California team wins UNI lost to Cal Poly on Tuesday night, 21-11; photo.
23 Execution Jerry Hamilton works on the parallel bars; photo.
24 Mertesdorf at AIAW convention
Joachim--Pat (Class of 1976)
Jane Mertesdorf represented UNI at the annual conference of the Association for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women.
25 Swim host Hawks UNI will face the Iowa Hawkeyes tomorrow.
26 Women sport day UNI will host annual Invitational High School Sports Day.
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# Article Article Summary
27 Marlins tryouts
28 Mesa Espanol Lunch in Spanish at the Union.
29 Psychology Department Deborah Harrison will present colloquium.
30 Seminar Seminar on outdoor winter activities.
31 UNI's first annual pinball tournament $1 entry fee will buy keg of beer.