Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Food ecology hits dining centers
Le Beau--Carol
New program aims to cut down on food waste; photo.
2 Pritchard announces candidacy
Freiberg--Karen (Class of 1974)
Alex Pritchard outlines platform; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
3 Claims Hansmeier was treated unfairly
Howard--Donald F. (Class of 1931); History Faculty)
Professor Howard believes that Vice President Hansmeier was not give a chance to present his side of the issue.
4 Musical verite
Moravec--Jeff (Class of 1977)
Review of Mike Seeger performance.
5 Parking problems still not solved
Moravec--Jeff (Class of 1977)
Parking around the Regents Complex for weekend events is still a problem
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# Article Article Summary
6 Spring election format explained Election procedures.
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# Article Article Summary
7 Career Corner
Outlines philosophy and new programs of Placement Office.
8 Jan Emig speaks on writing
Blake--Debra J. (Class of 1977; Public Relations Staff)
9 Profs present workshops Professors Rider and Wehner present citizens' energy workshops.
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# Article Article Summary
10 Candidate named Professor Ward is named alternate for Romanian Fulbright post.
11 RHA rules announced Election procedures.
12 Union food service fund discussed
Larson--E. Anne (Class of 1975)
Students discuss issue of subsidization of Union food service from dormitory funds.
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# Article Article Summary
13 Campus shorts Library will put together temporary Future Studies Collection; Student Senate will hold public forum on Hansmeier issue.
14 Guthrie to present "Everyman"
Le Beau--Carol
15 Norman on rape
Freiberg--Karen (Class of 1974)
Eve Norman will speak.
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# Article Article Summary
16 On College Hill: a look at the bars
Description of the Hill bars and their clientele; students talk about why they go to the bars; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
17 Panthers are all winners!; cagers take two overtimes 93-92
Fridley--Richard L. (Class of 1978)
UNI defeated Mankato State in double overtime Saturday night, 93-92.
18 Swimmers up to 7-0 in wins
Le Beau--Carol
UNI beat both Southwest Minnesota and South Dakota University last weekend; their record is now 7-0; photo.
19 UNI wins with last match decision UNI beat Mankato State on Friday night, 17-15.
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# Article Article Summary
20 A Sports Column
Paxton--David A. (Class of 1976)
Round-up of good weekend results.
21 High bar does it, UNI wins over MS
Joachim--Pat (Class of 1976)
UNI team beat Mankato State last weekend; photo.
22 Learning experience for women gymnasts UNI participated in the Iowa State Invitational last weekend; first meet ever for women's gymnastics team.
23 Women cagers whip Hawks UNI team beat Iowa Hawkeyes, 69-38.
24 Women swimmers second in Carnival Relays at Grinnell Panthers placed second at the Carnival Relays last weekend.
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# Article Article Summary
25 All UNI students Torch and Tassel seeking outstanding woman educator.
26 Bowling tournament Union sponsors event.
27 Phi Beta Lambda Will meet to discuss upcoming events.
28 Poetry Hour Professor Amend will read poetry on death and dying.
29 Psychology Department Colloquium Professor Whitsett will speak on Lordstown.
30 What's Up? Activities and meetings.