Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Dome begins to take shape
West entrances appear; engineers talk about possible construction obstacles; photo.
2 Guideline released
Excerpts from Title IX guidelines relating to women and intercollegiate athletics.
3 Le Beau selected new editor
Moravec--Jeff (Class of 1977)
Carol Le Beau will be NI executive editor; Paul Holley will be summer editor; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
4 Attention given to UNI's 100th anniversary--1976
Voldseth--Edward V. (Vice President)
Money will be very short for any special events to celebrate the centennial.
5 Critical Verite
Moravec--Jeff (Class of 1977)
Jeff Moravec comments on Oscar winners.
6 Dome board should be put into action Believes planning board should be named.
7 Gallo defends, explains position on unions
Simons--Joshua Christopher
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# Article Article Summary
8 A. Bierce is Dead
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# Article Article Summary
9 Austrian authors to lecture Beatrice Ferolli and Peter von Tramin will speak.
10 Program assures place in society Professor Eland and UNI students teach handicapped people to drive.
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11 'Our Town' stresses universal appeal
Larson--E. Anne (Class of 1975)
Play preview.
12 Band festival UNI students will participate in band festival in Pella.
13 ISPIRG delegation to attend Iowa Energy Policy Council
Larson--E. Anne (Class of 1975)
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# Article Article Summary
14 Business confab Five hundred high school students will attend.
15 Students create films; class offers good film background
Paxton--David A. (Class of 1976)
A close look at the course, "Beginning Fiction Film"; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
16 East Asia study tour offered Planning seven week Asian institute.
17 Keefe publishes Professor Keefe publishes article on social casework.
18 Workshop opens tomorrow Edward Meyen will speak at special education workshop.
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# Article Article Summary
19 Clothing class teaches the practical Mary Powers teaches sewing class at UNI-CUE.
20 Ecologist to speak Elroy L. Rice will speak.
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# Article Article Summary
21 "Panther pride" "UNI's newest basketball recruit reclines in the Towers' 'Mushrooms' on a balmy spring day"; photo.
22 KUNI off air Has been off air for two weeks due to ice storm.
23 Ward appointed Will serve as abstractor.
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24 "Must" game doubtful for ball team Once again, the Panthers attempt to open their season with a three game series against South Dakota.
25 Across the USA on bikes; McNeill, Southworth, Vogel meet the challenge
Paxton--David A. (Class of 1976)
UNI students Mark McNeill and Randy Vogel team up with UNI grad Cole Southworth to travel across the U. S. on their bikes; photo.
26 Golf cancelled again Snow causes the UNI Best Ball Tournament to be cancelled again.
27 J. V. baseball begins If weather warms, Panther J. V. will begin their season.
28 Softball team hopeful After canceling their season opener due to the weather, UNI hopes to play Wartburg.
29 Thinclads take on ISU; decathlon UNI to host Iowa State and the 5th Annual UNI Decathlon.
30 Women host Drake Women host Drake in first home dual meet.
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# Article Article Summary
31 Spring drills open for UNI football team Panthers begin spring practice.
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# Article Article Summary
32 Bahai Club Will show film.
33 Biology Club Will reorganize and plan canoe trip.
34 Chess tournament Union will sponsor tournament.
35 Marketing Club Will hold elections.
36 Senior recitals Kathy Rygh and Al Nott will perform.
37 Student workshop films Will show student silent films.
38 What's Up? Activities and meetings.