Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Credit/No credit--issues
Background and faculty and student opinions on the matter.
2 Pin the tail on the pumpkin? Catava House of Lawther Hall hosted a Halloween party for Waterloo's Head Start children; photo
3 Reconsiders credit/no credit; faculty meeting Monday
Le Beau--Carol
After receiving a petition to reconsider, signed by the required number of faculty, Professor Crawford has called a meeting.
4 The great pumpkin
Dickman--Allan Melvin (Class of 1976)
A "prankster" replaced the roof of the UNI-Dome with a great pumpkin; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
5 Problems are not Iowan's alone
Students question the effectiveness of the moratorium.
6 Reconsideration shows interest The Northern Iowan staff hopes faculty will reconsider the earlier decision to eliminate credit/no credit.
7 Unitoons
The Other Place is a literally a zoo.
8 Unitoons
Animals enjoying a drink at a bar.
9 Wagner won't "sail under false colors"
Wagner--Lillian Rose (Speech Faculty)
Professor Lillian R. Wagner sets the record straight on the comments she made during the moratorium; only a portion of her remarks were quoted.
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# Article Article Summary
10 Iowan ignores campus
Lawler--Darlene K. (Class of 1977)
Darlene Lawler criticizes the Northern Iowan's coverage of events; believes editorial staff is overly sensitive to criticism.
11 Welcome to my module
Maravetz--Steven John (Class of 1981; Communication Studies Faculty)
Steven Maravetz pokes fun at the recent happenings involving O. J. King.
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# Article Article Summary
12 "How to start and finance your own business"--tomorrow Description of conference program.
13 Faculty Senate establishes Office of Grants and Development at meeting
Professors Harris and Butzier elected to Dome Program Board; Donald O'Dowd on campus for consultation.
14 One acts Second bill of one-act plays will include "George,The Marriage Proposal,Why Hanna's Skirt Won't Stay Down", and "Calm Down, Mother".
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# Article Article Summary
15 EOP open to all students; not just minorities
Andrew Jackson and Tony Stevens talk about the tutoring program.
16 Law school UNI-CUE will offer conference for minority students who are interested in law school.
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# Article Article Summary
17 Champions Rider Hall's Boies House is named 1975 intramural champs; photo.
18 Harrier team to NCC meet; four team race
DeBerg--Curtis L. (Class of 1967)
UNI hopes to bring a victory home from the 18th Annual North Central Conference championships in North Dakota.
19 Panthers face Jackrabbits; another stiff test for UNI
Fridley--Richard L. (Class of 1978)
Panthers hope to defeat South Dakota State Saturday.
20 State hockey meet starts here tomorrow
Ode--Karen (Class of 1976)
UNI prepares to compete against five teams in today's state field hockey tournament.
21 Untitled In the Novice Division of the Judo Championship, UNI student Mike Fladlien throws his opponent; photo.
22 Volleyball team busy this weekend UNI's "B" team will travel to Cedar Rapids to play the "A" team of Coe College.
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# Article Article Summary
23 Performance
Dickman--Allan Melvin (Class of 1976)
The Urban Center for the Performing Arts entertained in the Union Thursday night; photo.
24 Sue Bliss named editor Hopes to improve on quality of last year's Francis Road.
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# Article Article Summary
25 Art exhibition Will show work by Reed Estabrook and Carlos Cobos.
26 Campus Crusade for Christ Will hold Sadie Hawkins barn dance.
27 Canoeing trip Will go down Upper Iowa River.
28 German Club Will enjoy German dinner at United Church of Christ.
29 Marketing Club trip Will visit Lennox Industries.
30 Omega Psi Phi Will hold rush.
31 Phi Kappa Theta ISU chapter would like to establish a chapter at UNI.
32 What's Up? Activities and meetings.