Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Coed proposal at Towers
Proposal is working its way through the bureaucratic process.
2 Dome nears final completion
Blake--Debra J. (Class of 1977; Public Relations Staff)
Floors being installed; hope to be ready by February 7.
3 Regents approve UNI matters Professor Lash will become Director of Humanities.
4 Senate cuts WIA funds
Le Beau--Carol
UNISA will consider cutting all funding for women's athletics; believes athletics should be funded from the general fund.
5 Untitled
Dickman--Allan Melvin (Class of 1976)
Students participate in the mock caucuses held by the Political Science department; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
6 Budget hearing scheduled Student organizations should prepare if they wish to be funded.
7 Jurors respond to friend
Behrens--Roy Richard (Class of 1968; Art Faculty)
Art faculty jurors encourage letter writer to approach them.
8 Musical Verite; "Live in Amsterdam," The Flying Burrito Bros.
Moravec--Jeff (Class of 1977)
Review of the Flying Burrito Brother's album "Live in Amsterdam."
9 No applause for Sunday school
Peterson--Gerald Lee (Library Faculty)
Gerald L. Peterson makes the point that it should be not how often, but how a man votes that is important.
10 She loves ego boost
An art student contends that the art department's awards are an enjoyable "ego boost."
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# Article Article Summary
11 Dome completion near Finishing touches are being put on the Dome; photo.
12 Grant received for Preserve Biological Preserves receives $5000 for native prairie restoration.
13 Looking back . . .; The Normal Eyte
A look at the first issue of the Normal Eyte.
14 Summer study A look at the eight-week summer program in Colombia.
15 Winter formal Campbell and Lawther Halls will host Snowflake Fantasy.
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16 Anderson to confab Mary Anderson invited to White House conference.
17 KHKE to air crime investigation Will cover conference on crime and Senate investigation of nuclear energy.
18 KUNI off the air Burned out line halts broadcasts.
19 Labor lecture Professor Wiesenfeld will speak on the surge of labor in the 1930s.
20 UNI goes computer crazy
Wible--Pamela J. (Classes of 1977 and 2002)
ACS has sicteen H-P minicomputers, which can work on both batch process and interactive modes; capabilities of computers; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
21 Chamber music sets Sofia concert Profile of the Sofia Soloists.
22 Scholar Broudy to speak at UNI Harry Broudy will consult and lecture; photo.
23 Sexuality sessions set Description of the workshops.
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# Article Article Summary
24 Engle qualifies for national gym tourney Despite UNI's loss to Kansas, UNI's Dave Engle qualified for the National Gymnastics Tournament.
25 IM volleyball growing rapidly for UNI women
Forty-six teams will participate in the intramural volleyball tournament.
26 Panthers split big road trip; Welsh hits at buzzer for win
Fridley--Richard L. (Class of 1978)
Panthers defeat Augustana, 68-67, but are defeated by South Dakota State, 85-68; photo.
27 Swimmers win by touch-outs
Le Beau--Carol
Panthers win dual opener against Bradley University, 59-54.
28 Women cagers cop two weekend wins Panthers defeat Mount Mercy, 78-69, and Iowa Wesleyan, 70-46.
29 Women crush Luther College
Women swimmers defeat Luther College, 79-41.
30 Wrestlers breeze in dual Panthers defeat Morningside, 39-3, and Moorhead State, 41-0; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
31 Baroque music Professor Kratzenstein will present lecture-recital.
32 Pool hours Recreational swimming hours.
33 Profs work for handicapped Professors Cooper and Cathey work on ways to make swimming accessible to handicapped students.
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# Article Article Summary
34 Conservation Club Will prepare for winter camping trip.
35 Phi Beta Lambda Will prepare for state conference and March of Dimes event.
36 SAE open house Invites unaffiliated men.
37 Tomahawk Will hold pledge parties.
38 UNI Museum Will present program on Poland.
39 What's Up? Activities and meetings.
40 Women and health care Discussion at St. Stephen Center.