Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Bushby, Johnson join Senate presidency race
Moravec--Jeff (Class of 1977)
Craig Bushby and Lynn Johnson tell why they want to run; photo.
2 Committee update Professor Harrington and President Kamerick have met to talk about relations between the faculty and the administration; believe impasse may have been resolved..
3 RHA elections delayed
4 Sit-in, barricades, in protest
Le Beau--Carol
Students stage several protests including sit-ins in restrooms in Gilchrist Hall, barricading the doors to Gilchrist Hall with snow, making excessive numbers of appointments with administrators to point out problems with communication; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
5 Directors support 24-hour proposal
Piwowarski--Roger J. (Class of 1981)
Residence Hall directors show support for the 24-hour visitation proposal.
6 No demigod; a real person The Northern Iowan staff commends Clark Elmer for his informal meeting with students to discuss the 24-hour visitation issue.
7 Snowmobiles needed Snow causes problems for Married Student Housing.
8 Use unoccupied stall
Mike McFerren comments on the 24-hour visitation issue and others' responses to it.
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# Article Article Summary
9 Don't be ripped off; support ISPIRG
Glenn Harriman writes in promotion of ISPIRG.
10 Iowan reaches new low
Ralph Fahnestock comments on the publication of the "sit-in" picture.
11 Welcome to my Module
Maravetz--Steven John (Class of 1981; Communication Studies Faculty)
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# Article Article Summary
12 Gallery show Exhibition of work by area women.
13 Leadership weekend scheduled
Moravec--Jeff (Class of 1977)
Maucker Union attempting to organize workshop.
14 Nuclear power debated; alternatives offered
Wible--Pamela J. (Classes of 1977 and 2002)
Excerpts from debate on nuclear energy.
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# Article Article Summary
15 Groce concert Profile of Larry Groce.
16 New course Professor Hallberg will assist with team that will teach effective study techniques.
17 Singer Ritchie to appear; Appalachian folk music
Moravec--Jeff (Class of 1977)
Profile of Jean Ritchie.
18 Theology confab tomorrow Schedule of papers to be discussed.
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# Article Article Summary
19 A Sports Column
Paxton--David A. (Class of 1976)
Dave Paxton comments on the paper plane idea.
20 Baseball spring jaunt Panthers continue practice in preparation for season.
21 Cagers end season with M-side, SD
Fridley--Richard L. (Class of 1978)
Panthers will end their season with three home games.
22 Gymnasts host ISU, Mankato
Fridley--Richard L. (Class of 1978)
Panthers hope to qualify for nationals as they prepare to host Iowa State and Mankato State.
23 Hustlers
Four UNI students won trophies at the UNI billiards tournament; photo.
24 Swimmers looking for 5th straight NCC championship
Le Beau--Carol
Panthers hope to maintain their NCC championship title.
25 Top athletes to appear at 1st annual UNI-Dome Open UNI expects fifteen college and club teams to be present for the first annual UNI-Dome Open Indoor Track Meet.
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# Article Article Summary
26 Dome open house set In conjunction with Alumni-Varsity football game.
27 Elmer speaks on 24 hr., coed, RHA; Well accepted speech at Towers
Clark Elmer states opinions on a variety of issues; states that his views often differ from those of other administrators.
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# Article Article Summary
28 Campus Bible Fellowship Meets every Thursday.
29 Cross Country Will go skiing if they can find snow.
30 Downhill skiers Will go to Dubuque to practice for Colorado trip.
31 Le Club Francais Will meet for food, drink, and conversation at St. Stephen Center.
32 UNI Reading Association Will make chili supper.